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One Week Later
January 26th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis is still with Grace but we've had to come up with new rules. We're no longer allowed to stay the night at each other's houses. I'm starting to think Grace is becoming insecure and thinks that I'm going to make a move. I have no intentions of that but if I were in her shoes, I would most likely be scared as well...Speaking of the fact I did make a move.
It's been 11 weeks since I last got to see my baby. Today I get to see them again and find out their sex. I'm 20 weeks pregnant so I'm halfway done with my pregnancy which is exciting but scary as hell. Morning sickness has made its ultimate return and I've been a little over the top let's say. We had to take Rambo to the vet to get his vaccines updated and he yelped when getting his leptospirosis vaccine. I started to cry because I felt so bad. Travis kept telling me it was just a check-up I didn't need to go but I love that dog with my whole heart and wanted to make sure he was okay. When I was staying at my hotel a few days ago, Travis called me in the middle of the night. He told me Rambo wouldn't shut up and he kept whining and pawing at the front door. Rambo sleeps at the hotel when I'm in town now. The two of us have created a routine for ourselves. I get in bed and no matter when or where, he curls up in a ball and puts his head on my stomach. I did research and it's miraculous what a dog can know. They can sense a baby in utero and hear a baby's heartbeat as early as 28 weeks. God, I need to get a life other than this damned dog.

"We're back for your anatomy scan I see." Doctor Cooper once again. She was our ultrasound technician from last time. Travis is sitting on a chair next to me and I'm lying back on the exam table. 

"Yep and hopefully to find out the sex." I smile watching the doctor set up. Travis and I decided to find out the sex of the baby while keeping in mind it might not end up being the gender they identify with later on. Jeez, I really am a liberal.

"Pull up your shirt and I'll put some of this gel on your stomach. It'll be a bit cold." They performed it as I envisioned they would. Nothing too serious and it's what you always see on TV. The doctor places the transducer on my bump and I get to hear the miraculous sound of their heartbeat. There's something about hearing the heartbeat of your child that you never forget.

"Their heartbeat sounds slower than last time. I have a video of the last time and it sounds slower." Travis anxiously comments.

"That's because it is but don't worry. The heartbeat is supposed to slow down." The doctor reassures him. I look over at the screen where I see the baby moving. The doctor is taking measurements and scans as I become entranced by the simple sonogram. "Everything seems perfect. Good heart rhythm, spine length, everything."

"Really?" I want to double-check I'm hearing myself correctly.

"Yes. This is a very healthy baby girl."

"I told you it'd be a girl!" Travis makes sure to remind me.

"Hi, baby girl." I grin happily looking at the sonogram. I'm having a girl. I immediately think of all the things we will do together. We'll screw over the patriarchy for one. I dream of her having my blue eyes and blonde curls. I'll teach her to play guitar and Travis will most likely teach her to throw a football. I saw my entire daughter's life.

We finished up the ultrasound and my OB/GYN came in and checked to see how else the pregnancy was going. She wanted to check if I was putting on the proper weight, taking my supplements, and staying in tip-top shape. We got to leave with some sonogram photos. On the car ride home, we started to discuss baby names.

"What about Ethel?" Travis suggests.

"I'm giving birth to a baby, not a 90-year-old woman." We have been managing to find something wrong with every single name.

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