It's a Wonderful Life

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11 Days Later
December 24th; 2023
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I look outside the window, biting my nails. There's a tremendous amount of snow that downpours from the sky. My other hand is rubbing my small bump. My bump hasn't been getting too big. I've learned that women who are taller and have stronger abs will likely have a baby bump that appears smaller. A lot of the time it only looks like I'm bloated but I know it's my little peanut. 
My morning sickness has vanished but anytime I'm even close to eggs I instantly throw up. So you win some, you lose some. The smell, the taste, god I might vomit thinking about them. The most unfortunate thing that has happened is my libido. I'm willing to fuck anything that moves right now. I'm single with the libido of a wild animal. If I asked Travis to have sex with me would he think of it as a romantic thing or just helping me out? Fuck, I need sex.

I hear my phone ring and quickly pick it up. The pilot refused to fly today because of the weather conditions so I put my assistant in charge of finding someone else. I'm planning on going to Pennsylvania and spending Christmas with Travis and his family. Grace will be there but at least I'll have Travis.

"Hi, Nadine. Did you find anyone?" I ask.

"It's one of the worst snowstorms they've seen in ages."

"No, you can't do this to me." I start to pace around with my phone

"Taylor, there's nothing I can do. I can't control the weather! I told you to leave yesterday because there was a chance this could happen." Nadine is desperately trying to explain to me that there's no way in hell I'm leaving New York. I'm not taking it lightly.

"I had stuff to take care of. You know how I feel about delegating things." I whine.

"You're stuck in New York. All flights are canceled. No one is leaving or coming in. The snow is already falling. The roads are too dangerous."

"Nadine, if I don't get on a plane, I'm spending Christmas alone." I begin to plead as I choke up.

"I don't know what to tell you. I tried, I really did."


"I'm sorry. Merry Christmas." The phone call ends and tears run down my face. I'm spending Christmas alone. I slam my phone on the counter and give a middle finger to the snow falling outside. I turn on the fireplace and collapse on the couch. I take a look at all the Christmas presents and decorations in my house. The shining lights and ornaments sparkle from top to bottom. Stockings, garland, nutcrackers, candy canes, snowflakes, reindeer, screw it all.

My next actions were taken out of anger. I go up to the mantle above the fireplace and stare at the T stocking. I take it off the hook and try to hold back my frustration. This isn't my stocking. I got one for Travis. I usually have five stockings up. Two for my parents, one for Austin, one for the cats, one for me. I retired most of them. This year I have two T's, a C, and a B. Travis, Taylor, Cats, Baby. Tears fell onto the stocking and I dropped it on the floor. I ripped the garland off the mantle and shoved everything on the floor. I was in a manic sob and collapsed on the floor.

The stocking hooks I have are weighted with a small hook at the end. Some people have little reindeer or snowflakes but mine have a frame. In each frame is the photo associated with the stocking. I saw glass shattered on the floor and I prayed it wasn't what I thought. Mine was fine, the cat's was fine, two left. I pick up the third and it's Travis's. Not a scratch. I just want to scream at the world. I picked up the one for the baby. Glass had shattered and the ultrasound picture was dented.

I sit on the floor and took out the photo. "I'm so sorry, baby." I put my hand over my bump as I begin to find solace in their presence. I stand up and walk to my bedroom, carefully avoiding the glass.

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