Christmas Joy

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One Month Later
December 24th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
It's our first Christmas with Viola so we're trying to make it as special as possible. It's dark out due to the winter solstice which luckily ended a couple of days ago. Vi is already six months old which feels surreal. I finally shared the first picture of her on social media and it became the second most-liked photo of all time on Instagram after Lionel Messi's photo of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Everyone loves Viola and all the Swifties are calling her their sister. So Viola has millions of siblings it turns out. I got some rude comments about her name that I chose to ignore. Everyone is going to have a problem with something in life. Why do you care what I name my kid?
I've lost all the baby weight and completely weaned ViVi. My mom is celebrating Christmas with Austin and his girlfriend so Travis and I can have our first Christmas together with the baby. Neither of us is worrying about our jobs or the future. We're just living in the moment with Viola. I also have an early Christmas gift for Travis that I can't wait to show him.

Since the baby is so close to seven months we've been trying to see if we can get her to crawl. She'll get in position but never do anything from there. Travis and I are currently trying to get her to crawl but it's not working well. We've been here for an hour now.

"Come here, Girlie! Come to Daddy!" Travis is about five feet away from me, encouraging Viola to crawl to him while I sit behind her.

"You can do it! I know you got it in you, Peanut!" Even though I'm not pregnant anymore, Peanut is still a very common nickname for Viola.

"You got it ViVi!" He reaches out his hands and Viola giggles. She rocks back and forth on her knees and hands as she thinks about crawling. I watch as Benjamin sneaks up behind Travis and pounces on his lap. "Benji! Those were the goods!" He uses his hands to cover his privates and Viola squeals in joy.

"Oh my god, she's laughing at you." I giggle as Travis tries to recover from the pain.

Travis picks up Benji and shows him to Vi. "This cat is so rude!" He places Benjamin back down but he just collapses on the floor and turns over for tummy rubs.

Viola babbles with a smile and leans forward, lifting her hand. She wants to get to Benji. "Travis, get the phone out! I think she's gonna do it!"

Travis takes his phone out in a complete panic and starts to record. Just like that, she did it. She slowly started to crawl over to Benjamin. She plopped and fell a couple of times but kept going until she made it to the cat. "You did it! That's Daddy's little girl! I'm so proud of you!" Travis kisses Viola on the head with his Cheshire Cat smile. Benji is the sweetest cat and the only thing he harms are ironically bugs. I wasn't scared to let ViVi pet him on the stomach especially since it made him start to purr.

"It looks like we have a cat lady on our hands." I grin. I walk over and pick her up which causes her to throw a fit. "I know Peanut but it's time for bed. Santa is visiting tonight and he'll only visit if you're asleep."

"I don't think she quite understands the concept yet, Taylor." Travis comments.

Vi is now hysterically crying and I sigh. "I'm sorry baby girl...I think she wanted to keep playing with Benji." I bounce her in my arms and try to calm her.

"Put her in the bouncer. That always calms her down." Travis recommends.

"She outgrew the bouncer last week." I remind him. I wish we had that because no matter what circumstance that thing made her stop crying.

"Oh yeah. Shit. Music?"

"Good idea!" I take my phone out and put on a playlist of her favorite classical pieces but she isn't taking it. Chauncey looks up at me and barks and whines. "Not right now Chauncey." I fucking hate that dog. I try to tolerate him.

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