The War of the Roses

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Three Weeks Later
May 22nd; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I'm over halfway through my pregnancy and in five weeks I'll be in my third trimester. I don't know how ready I am for that because I know how miserable the third trimester is. It's so uncomfortable all the time. Speaking of uncomfortable, I haven't left my bedroom today. Viola blessed me with her cold she got last week and Ducky has been giving me headaches...and Viola. I'm having pains on the side of my bump and my breasts are killing me. It's overall a shitty day for me and I want to hide under the covers and die. Travis is taking care of ViVi today while I rest but he also doesn't have anything else to do. Staying home with Vi is his favorite thing in the world.
I went to the OB two weeks ago for a check-up since they want to monitor the pregnancy closely. They said everything is well but I should still take things lightly. The baby is still in tip-top shape and so am I. Since I'm 22 weeks pregnant Ducky is now viable outside the womb! Every passing day her odds become better of surviving. Knowing she's now viable outside the womb has lifted a great deal of weight. Obviously, a NICU stay isn't anything we want though.

Travis opens the door and walks into the room which makes light creep in. I had been keeping the room dark for a reason. He sits on the edge of the bed and rubs my thigh. "How are you doing?" He asks softly.

I curl up with my hands wrapped around my waist as I try to shake the pain. "Like shit. Ducky is ruining this pregnancy thing for me today."

"How can I help you? Viola is down for her nap so I'm all free." He brushes some of my hair out my face and smiles.

"How would you feel about giving me a bump massage?" Travis used to give them to me sometimes when I was pregnant with Viola and I was so in love with it. I haven't had much of a need for them but recently my bump has been causing me a lot of pain.

"It would be my pleasure." He smiles. I uncurl and lay against my reading pillow. I roll back my shirt and Travis works his magic. He gently and rhythmically massages my bump in a clockwise direction.

"You're the best." I melt into the soft touches and finally relax.

"I know I'm the best. No need to tell me." He says sarcastically.

"Shut up." I laugh. Travis used to be the worst but he has felt like the best thing in my life recently. I'm so grateful for the changes that he's made. He's going to the doctor next week and if all is well he will no longer have to wear his brace. After that is just continuing physical therapy. Part of me feels like when he removes the brace it will be like we're finally moving on from that chapter of our lives.

"I was thinking that we should announce the pregnancy on social media soon. You're really starting to show and over halfway done." Travis advises.

"You sound like Tree." Tree tends to become like my mother and nag me about everything I need to do but to be fair that is what I pay her to do. I tend to cause issues though. I cause her pain(e).

"Well, Tree is usually right." Travis chuckles.

"You're not wrong about that." I begrudgingly admit.

"I also think we need to talk to Viola." He adds.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She knows she's having a sister but she doesn't necessarily know what that entails. I think it's important we start to set boundaries in advance and tell her what to expect." He continues to massage my bump as he's talking.

"I agree. I think it's important we talk with her." I guess I never did think about Viola when it came to the baby. She did throw her baby doll across the room the other day. "Oh, hello there!" I feel a kick from Ducky which takes me by surprise.

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