Blue Valentine

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Five Days Later
February 16th; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
I didn't get my period in January. Now I'm breaking down, purely sobbing. This isn't how it was supposed to go. I was praying to god I was just late but then I started vomiting. It's not the right time. I'm so damn stupid. I should have listened. I thought I would be fine when I had sex early. The doctor told me to not have unprotected sex for seven days. I thought five days was plenty but I'm sitting in the bathtub, trying to keep my sobs quiet as possible. I can't have Travis hearing me. If Travis hears me then a fight will start about how his life is worse and I should suck it up. I'm trying so hard to be supportive but he's pushing me away. He's so angry all the time and I don't know how to help him.

So now here I am. Sitting in the bathtub, holding three positive pregnancy tests, having no idea what the fuck I'm going to do.

Two months ago I would have never thought I'd be crying over this. I would have been ecstatic to find out. I also would have never thought I'd be debating if I should go behind Travis's back and just get an abortion. That I should take the easy way out even if it's not what I want. I don't want to terminate, I want this baby. I want to do all the stupid mom things. I want to watch him/her take their first steps and say their half-assed first word. I want Viola to have a sibling that she'll probably fight with half the time. I want to be there for the day they get their heartbroken for the first time and we can dance to my music. I want to be a mother again. But I also want Travis to be with me every day.

Rambo comes walking into the bathroom with his tag wagging slowly. He comes up to me, putting his paws on the edge of the tub, and starts licking tears off my face which calms my sobs. It all came together for me then. "You knew, didn't you? You were trying to tell me." Dogs can detect pregnancy before most women even find out. He was protecting the baby like he did with Viola. "How do you feel about being a brother again?" He continues to wag his tail and smiles. "Yeah, you're excited."

This really puts a damper on our anniversary. I know Travis probably has something planned and there's probably wine. Maybe this can be a weird little second-anniversary surprise? I know that it's not what either of us wanted right now but we will make the best of it. He'll be happy, right? He said he would be a couple of months ago. I put the pregnancy tests in a box and wrap it in wrapping paper that's addressed to Travis. I pick up the perfectly wrapped box and take a deep breath. He'll be happy. He has to be.

Usually on days like our anniversary or Valentine's Day, Travis makes me breakfast in bed. I know that because of his injury, it might be difficult for him so I wasn't surprised when I didn't wake up to it. I walk into the kitchen and I see that Travis is making breakfast which makes me grin. Maybe he didn't forget about me.

"What are you making?" I ask wanting to give him the world's biggest hug. He still loves me.

"Just eggs and bacon." He doesn't smile in response. He makes it sound like another day. Not the most cute or romantic breakfast but I'll take it.

"Looks good." I look at the portions of what he's cooking and tilt my head.

"Do you want some? I made it for me and Viola. I heard you crying in the bathroom and I didn't know when you'd be back."

He had no intentions of making breakfast for me but at least he's feeding Viola. "That would be lovely. Thank you."

"You seem excited this morning for someone who was just sobbing. What's the big hype?"

"I'm excited to see what you've planned for us. I planned a couple of nice things." Something strikes me. Travis pauses for a minute and I can see his mind is racing. "Oh my god, you forgot. That's why you didn't remember breakfast or the peonies you always get me. I'm so stupid!" I groan.

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