Pregnant in Heels

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2 Weeks Later
May 3rd; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis and I have started to move into the house in Pennsylvania now that construction has finished. What took the most time was increasing the security but our house is so well protected now it may as well be a prison. Impossible to break in and impossible to break out...unless you disable the alarm system which only Travis and I can do. Fences are protecting the property and I know the dogs will be the best guard dogs No they won't...they'll just wag their tails and bark. Travis adopted the most basic ass white person dogs and raised them to be scared of Cheeto bags.
One question that has recently been on my mind is how? How is my bump still getting bigger!? There is no room left. None, zero, nada. I have six more weeks to go supposedly and I feel like a cow. I miss being in my second trimester when it was fun being pregnant. It's not fun anymore. At least today is my baby shower and I get to get presents for someone putting their dick in me.

"Guests are gonna be arriving soon. Where are you?" Travis yells.

"Where do you think?" I yell back while peeing on the toilet.


"Shut the fuck up!" It gets frustrating because I have to deal with the pregnancy. I have to pee all the time and sometimes the off-comments piss me off.

"Love you too!"

Once I'm finished I wash my hands and walk downstairs slowly. My steps are very awkward and I look like a penguin. Travis is learning I don't like help anymore. I don't like to be assisted because I can do this myself. I don't want to feel like I'm disabled...not trying to sound ableist. I'm just pregnant. "I'm here." I sigh.

"You look beautiful." He walks over and kisses me on the cheek. I got dressed up for my baby shower but truthfully I just want the presents and to go back to bed. I'm wearing a flowing pink dress and a flower crown to go along.

"I feel like shit."

"Come here." Travis wraps his arms around me, giving me a big hug. My head lies against his chest, feeling his warm embrace. My emotions begin to take over me as I break down crying.

"Are you okay?" Travis asks slightly parting from me. I look up at him with tears pouring down my face. "Love, what are you crying?"

"I don't know!" My voice cracks and I put my head back into Travis's chest. He rubs my back as he tries to calm me.

"Shhhhh. You're okay." He consoles me as if I were a child but it makes me feel better.

"I hate this. I'm so miserable."

"I know you do. Only a few more weeks and it'll all be over. Just think next month our baby will be here."

"I'm so sorry you have to keep putting up with me."

"You're growing a whole human in there which is a lot more work than me taking care of you. Plus, I get to spend time with the woman I love."

His words make my eyes dry up. He's the best at helping with my mood swings. "I love you too. My phone buzzes and when I look down it's a notification that there's someone at the gate.  "Guests are arriving it seems."

"You know and I'm the super cool friend who threw this entire baby shower for you but screw me!" Selena yells as she walks by which makes me laugh.

"You're the reason this baby shower exists!" I yell back.

"It was a slight recommendation! It's not my fault you actually went through with it and biology did its thing!" She's still setting up some decorations but overall the shower looks great. I walk up to her and give her a side hug.

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