EPILOG || Close the book

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With these words Jules closes the book.

"Is that really what happened?" asks a wide-eyed young angel. Bianchi shakes his head with a smile. "But it will!" he promises the now disappointed little boy.

The wings of the group of angels begin to flap excitedly.

A young man with snow-white wings comes in their direction. When Jules recognizes him, an expression of pain flits across his eyes.

"Anthoine," he mumbles, slightly horrified. Not because he doesn't like Anthoine, but because another person has left Charles.

"Jules?" asks the former F2 driver quietly. Jules nods and smiles sadly.

"Come on, I will show you the track!" says someone behind Anthoine.

"Ayrton Senna?" comes incredulously from the Frenchman. The man nods with a warm smile and extends his hand.

"Come my little angels" Charles godfather directs the children who are angels to a clearing.

The big angel puts his white-gold shimmering wings protectively around the younger ones and shows them a group of people.

"Look! There is Max playing a game with Daniel and Christian!" Calls a girl enthusiastically.

From up here Jules sees everything. His protégé and former student Charles prancing with the twitch quartet Pierre. 

Fernando talking with Jenson and Mark about the times when the trio was still notorious.

Lewis cooking dinner with the help of Nico, Seb and Kimi.

Kevin and Hulk who don't know what the future has planned for them and discuss fiercely.

But he also sees Checo and Daniil who look after the younger ones.

In those moments he knows that it was the right decision to become an angel guardian and not to go to heaven immediately.

Only now does he realize that the young angels to whom he tells stories of exciting races just like Seb does to Max and Mick have disappeared.

He sits down with a smile on a big comfortable stone, while his eyes sparkle in the evening sun and his hair flutters with the light wind, just like his wings that now shine in a magnificent gold while they float majestically in the wind. His racing suit shimmers in the most magnificent red, yellow and black, so that from a distance it looks like he is driving for Ferrari.

While the birds chirp in the background and dogs in the clearing are happy to have company, you can hear the water of a waterfall steadily dripping and the wind makes the trees speak and rustling songs.

And he sends this picture of perfection to Charles, knowing that he will dream about it the next night.

But what he doesn't know is that Anthoine is also standing there with his wings shining and his racing suit on, smiling and sure that Charles will be fine with Romain and Jenson.



I can't belive its the end.


Thank you all so much for reading this! Especially drEamng_story, MmePenguin, Lottie1824 and Sand_tower

Thanks to Singing_cactus too!

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