CHAPTER 31 || Mick

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It was only 5:00 in the morning, when the door opens the first time this day.

Mick has arrived.

The young German looks around curious before putting his stuff in his room.

The next time he looks at his watch, it's already 5:30am. He smiles and goes to Nikitas room.

He nocks quietly and opens the door just to find his best friend sleeping.

When he sees his friend lying there like that, he runs into the room and just throws himself on top of him.

Nikita shoots up startled and looks at Mick with wide eyes.

"Oh my God Mick, I almost had a heart attack!" the older one still gasps in shock.

Mick just shrugs and the two look tiredly at each other before deciding at the same time, "Sleep again!"

Mick drops down next to Nikita and he puts an arm around the younger before they are both almost directly asleep.

About 2 hours later Sebastian wakes up and has to free himself from Kimi's arms, which takes time because the grip is quite tight and Seb is tired.

This whole ordeal took 15 minutes and now Max is lying contentedly asleep on Kimi's chest while he can put his arms around his son and is also still asleep.

When Seb is finally downstairs, he almost falls over Mick's bags and is just able to hold the bowl with the car keys, which he almost threw down.

In the kitchen he makes himself some coffee and thinks about the morning, realizing that he has to change something before there are any more casualties.

Shortly afterwards, Jenson comes into the kitchen. The Briton was sipping his tea when there was a loud bang and he choked with fright while Seb just flinched.

Now someone had actually fallen.

"My money is on Max" Seb mumbles. Jenson gulps down his tea before shaking his head and muttering "More like Fernando".

Daniil comes into the kitchen and the two men stare at him expectantly.

"What?" asks the Russian irritated.

Seb rolls his eyes and asks impatiently, "Who fell?"

"So Max stumbled on the stairs and tried to hold on to Fernando. Fernando didn't see it coming and also stumbled and accidentally pushed Max, who fell, but Nando pulled him along. So in the end both were down."

"That was unexpected" mumbles someone.

"Ach du Scheiße!" screams Seb startled. Jenson almost falls off his chair in shock and Daniil jumps up.

Mark looks at them desperate before taking a bite of his breakfast while eying the rest.

"I swear to God Mark, you nearly scared me to death!" gasps Jenson.

Little by little the kitchen fills up and everyone except Kimi, Mick and Nikita are present.

"Where are the others?" asks Hulk. Lewis just shrugs and makes himself Coffee.

"Kimi refuses to go out of bed and is quit offended" says Max. Seb frowns before disappearing upstairs.

"Mick and Nikita are still sleeping" Daniil adds. "Time to wake them up!" Murmurs Checo and Max goes upstairs to Nikitas room.

In Seb and Kimi's bedroom, Seb is admittedly looking rather helplessly at the bed right now.

Kimi has curled up into a little ball and simply ignores Seb completely. He ignores the fact that his husband is trying to help him.

"Are you cold?" Seb asks cautiously, and Kimi nods slightly. If there's one feeling Kimi hates, it's being cold. Not that cold when you've had an ice bath but that cold when you're sick.

As his boyfriend and husband of many years, Seb recognizes this very quickly and fortunately also knows how to treat a sick Kimi, or rather how to negotiate with him.

So he gets an overzize hoodie of himself from the closet that Kimi can put on. The hoodie is still too big.

Since Kimi gets clingy when he is sick and sleeps a lot, Seb can just plan the day.

Other than Daniil as Checo is very clingy without sleeping, Mark as Nando is very annoying when he is sick or Romain as Jenson needs a lot of attention when he is sick. Mark is fortunately low maintenance when he is sick and Romain just lies on top of Jenson all day while Daniil and Seb never want to admit that they are sick.

So Seb gets his laptop and the folders he needs today together before getting something to drink up and making himself comfortable in bed so Kimi can put his head in the younger's lap to go back to sleep.

In Nikita's room, things are not so peaceful. After Max stormed in with a war cry, he threw himself on the bed.

"Max, you stupid seagull! Why did you wake us up, we don't have meetings today!" Mick screeches and jumps on Max who can't escape in time.

The two fight for almost 10 minutes until Nikita gets too stupid and pulls Mick to him by the waist and uses him as a pillow to continue sleeping.

Now Checo comes in and pulls Max out of the room with the words "Stop annoying your brother, you have a meeting!"

Since the young Dutchman doesn't dare to mess with Checo who is right, he lets himself be pulled along and then runs to his room for the meeting.


Next chapter!

It took a bit longer because now I also need to describe their emotions and how they do their actions so yeah

But I'm confident that we will have 40 chapters by the end of the week! (Sunday)

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