CHAPTER 57 || Songs

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"We wrote a song!" Shouts Max through the house and everyone gets to the living room, where Max stands.

Charles's sitting at the piano and is ready to play the melody.

The younger ones are getting ready and the show begins.

(Verse 1)
On the racetrack's blazing lines,
F1 drivers in their prime,
Engines roaring, hearts alight,
Chasing victory through day and night.

They're the fearless knights of speed,
Guiding their chariots like a creed,
In pursuit of that elusive crown,
A symphony of engines, roaring sound.

F1 drivers, kings of the road,
In their cockpits, legends unfold,
Through the corners, they dance and fight,
A ballet of power, in the spotlight.

(Verse 2)
From Monza's straight to Monaco's grace,
Every circuit becomes their chase,
With every lap, a battle's waged,
Their stories scripted on history's page.

They're the gladiators of the track,
No turning back, no looking back,
Adrenaline coursing through their veins,
As they navigate triumphs and pains.

F1 drivers, masters of the game,
Courage burning like a wild flame,
Pushing limits, defying the odds,
Their names etched in racing's grand facade.

Underneath the helmet's shield,
Dreams and passion are concealed,
But in their eyes, you'll find the fire,
A relentless spirit that never tires.

They're the guardians of the speed,
Planting hope in every need,
For podium glory, they strive and yearn,
Around each bend, a lesson learned.

F1 drivers, a tale of might,
In the cockpit, they take flight,
Unyielding hearts, unbreakable will,
Fueling the chase, the void they fill.

So let's salute these modern knights,
For the thrills they bring to our nights,
F1 drivers, forever bold,
Writing their stories, as legends, they're told.

"What do you think?" Asks Lance unsure. "Fucking amazing!" Grins Jenson. "You got more?" Asks Nando. They nod.

(Verse 1)
In the heat of the race, on the asphalt so wide,
F1 drivers compete, with their dreams as their guide,
But beyond the rivalry, under the racing sun,
They're like a second family, second to none.

Side by side they battle, pushing limits with glee,
Yet off the track, a bond is formed, strong and free,
They share the passion for speed, the love for the ride,
In each other's company, they find solace and pride.

Fierce rivals on the circuit's bend,
Yet off the track, they're truest friends,
In the world of racing, a unique camaraderie,
F1 drivers, a family united in harmony.

(Verse 2)
From the paddock to the podium's grand stand,
They lend a helping hand, extend a hand,
Celebrating victories, comforting in defeat,
Their connection transcends, oh, so sweet.

With shared experiences of glory and heartbreak,
In each other's journey, they find a common stake,
From Monza to Silverstone, each twist and turn,
Their friendship and respect forever burn.

Fierce rivals on the circuit's bend,
Yet off the track, they're truest friends,
In the world of racing, a unique camaraderie,
F1 drivers, a family united in harmony.

They swap tales of bravery and close calls,
Laughing at memories within pit walls,
Each driver's story, a chapter in a book,
Bound by a passion that no words can overlook.

Though rivals they may be, pushing to win,
They understand the journey, the grind, the din,
A kinship that's forged through every tire's groove,
A friendship that time and distance can't remove.

Fierce rivals on the circuit's bend,
Yet off the track, they're truest friends,
In the world of racing, a unique camaraderie,
F1 drivers, a family united in harmony.

So as they roar past on the racing track,
Remember the bond that goes beyond mere knack,
F1 drivers, more than rivals, they're a family true,
In the world of speed and dreams, they find a crew.

"Our second song!" Smiles Pascal proudly and the older ones are surprised. The younger ones not only came up with whole melodies and verses, they paid attention to everything and it sounds beautiful to boot.

"We have one last song for or from the fans!" Mick mumbles slight shyly.

(Verse 1)
In the grandstands, hearts ignite,
F1 fans, a passionate sight,
From every corner of the globe they come,
To witness the race, to feel the hum.

With flags held high and voices strong,
They cheer their heroes all day long,
A symphony of colors, a chorus of cheers,
Their passion resonates, crystal clear.

F1 fans, the heart and soul,
In their veins, the racing flows,
They proclaim with love that's prime,
"F1's the greatest of all time."

(Verse 2)
From the legends of old to the rising stars,
They follow their journeys, no matter how far,
Through triumphs and setbacks, they stand tall,
Bound by a passion that never shall fall.

They debate, discuss, and analyze,
Every turn, every race, every sunrise,
For in Formula One, they find the thrill,
A sport that ignites their souls, always will.

F1 fans, the heart and soul,
In their veins, the racing flows,
They proclaim with love that's prime,
"F1's the greatest of all time."

In the sea of fans, a united tide,
Diverse backgrounds, all side by side,
They share the love, the joy, the chase,
A worldwide family, a passionate embrace.

With each race weekend, a ritual they keep,
Eyes glued to screens, unable to sleep,
For the love they hold, fierce and true,
Is a bond that only fellow fans knew.

F1 fans, the heart and soul,
In their veins, the racing flows,
They proclaim with love that's prime,
"F1's the greatest of all time."

So let the engines roar, the flags unfurl,
In the F1 world, their spirits swirl,
For F1 fans, their passion's sublime,
In their hearts, it's the greatest of all time.

"Wow!" Seb calls out. "It's insane!" Lewis chuckles in awe.

The kids smile proudly and after some silence say "That was the only thing we wanted to show you."

Everyone laughs and then disbands to return to their work.


A chapter full of songs :)

Btw they don't exist on Spotify, YouTube or anywere else so if you like them feel free to make a melody and upload them on Spotify :D

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