CHAPTER 79 || Suomi

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When Max opens his eyes, he immediately jumps out of bed. He has the consequences immediately. Charles throws a pillow at his head and tells him to get back into bed.

"But we're flying home Charles! We're flying to Finland today!" The RB driver reminds the Monegasque.

Charles tears his eyes open. "I forgot to pack!" He exclaims in shock, jumping out of bed at lightning speed and rushing to the wardrobe to pack his suitcase. "How cold is it there?" He asks Max. "Between -20°C and -40°C!" Is the shocking answer.

Max runs down to the kitchen where he helps Valtteri, Mick, Seb and Kimi make breakfast and all 5 are happily humming a finish song.

It is still early in the morning, just 5 o'clock. That's why Kimi in particular is happy that he can speak Finnish in peace and doesn't have to think about what it means in English. Max talks like a waterfall and doesn't care how surprised Valtteri is that the young driver can speak Finnish so quickly and well.

Mick and Max start teasing each other and telling funny stories about the holidays when they were younger. "Meidän on todellakin pelattava jääkiekkoa järvellä kaikkien kanssa!" Max grins widely and Mick nods in agreement. [We really need to play icehockey on the lake with everyone!]

But after a reminder from Seb, they calm down and help prepare breakfast and provisions. At 9am the rest comes down and everyone eats in peace.

Luckily, the journey to the airport is relaxed and the group is soon able to take off with RäikkönenAir and fly towards Finland.

The airplane engines roar to life as the F1 drivers settle into their seats, excitement bubbling in the cabin. Lewis, Max, and Charles are in one row, joking and sharing stories about the past racing season. Meanwhile, Daniel entertains everyone with his trademark smile and contagious laughter, causing the drivers around to chuckle.

As the flight takes off, Valtteri and Kimi, the hometown heroes, are giving thumbs-up to the crew, earning a round of applause from their fellow drivers. Seated not too far away are Pierre and Lando, who are busy challenging each other to in-flight games of chess and Uno.

Suddenly, the plane hits a patch of turbulence, causing everyone to grip their armrests. Lewis shouts, "Whoa, this is more intense than Eau Rouge!" while Max quips, "I've raced in rainier conditions!" The F1 drivers' bravado, usually reserved for the racetrack, can't shield them from the turbulence-induced chaos.

Further down the aisle, Carlos and Fernando are attempting to recreate pit stop drills with their tray tables, spilling snacks and drinks everywhere. Checo and Esteban rush to assist, and soon, they're all tangled in an in-flight snack war. Popcorn flies, pretzels rain down, and laughter fills the cabin.

Pascal and Stoffel, sitting quietly in their seats, can't help but shake their heads at the madness around them. Just when they think it couldn't get crazier, George decides to organize an impromptu karaoke session in the aisle. The drivers take turns belting out their favorite songs, making the fellow drivers and cabin crew applaud and laugh.

With Lewis rapping, Max singing rock classics, and Daniel attempting opera, the eclectic musical journey continues. Valtteri even joins in, singing a Finnish folk song, receiving a standing ovation from his teammates.

As the plane finally lands in Finland, the F1 drivers disembark with unforgettable memories of a chaotic, funny, and incredibly entertaining flight. With their camaraderie and the spirit of adventure, they're ready to celebrate Christmas and Sylvester together in the snowy wonderland of Finland, where the track might be frozen, but the fun never stops.

"Suomi isänmaani, olen taas kotona!" Max says happily as he steps out of the plane and looks around. It's a ritual of his. He says it every time he comes back to Finland from abroad. [Finland my fatherland, I'm home again!]

The riders set off and leave the noisy airport for the quiet countryside, knowing that it will be a wonderful Christmas.


The next one :)

7 more chapters to go guys!

I uploaded the first 5 chapters of my new book btw! Check it out if you want, it's a groupchat!


A big thanks for all the support to MmePenguin, drEamng_storyand Sand_tower <3

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