CHAPTER 69 || Shape-shifting

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It is quiet in the paddock, even though there is about to be a press conference. Several of the older ones are talking and a few kittens are playing with leaves in the sun. A puppy dog is also pacing around and sniffing curiously everywhere, but stays close to Checo.

What the conference is about, the drivers do not know. The animals are shooed away and the drivers set off. They are all nervous. Why the hell is there this stupid press conference?

"I think you are wondering why there is this press conference. It's because of some problems that have occurred recently." Starts Helmut Marko.

"It's about the shape-shifting-" Lewis interrupts the man "You wanna talk about it now? I'm here since almost 13 years and we NEVER talked about it. How stupid do you wanna be?"

Marko sighs and Christian mumbles "But he's right." And everyone looks at him. "What? I'm just telling the truth!"

"It doesn't matter now. You have to report your animal to the FIA so they can be sure you're not sniffing around other garages."

The drivers soon stop listening and just doze off. Then, when Helmut Marko and Günther Steiner start discussing, they prick up their ears with interest.

Lewis wants to say something but Mark presses his hand over the Brit's mouth and Danny whispers "Don't say anything, just sit back and enjoy the show."

Seb whispers "Don't worry, in 10 to 20 minutes Christian gets too stupid and he points out that they are both wrong."

After a few minutes even that gets boring again and most of them start dozing off again. When Toto and Christian start playing Tik Tak Toe, Mattia Binotto has had enough.

"Stop with that shit Günther! And why the hell are you two playing Tik Tak Toe? And why are Webber, Button, Rosberg and co on it?"

"Too many questions from too stupid a sissy." Growls Kimi in a bad mood.

"What did you say?" Hisses Mattia. Kimi just opens his mouth and icily shows his pointed fangs to the angry team boss.

The latter understands the sign and quickly sits down.

"That's no way to talk to an Alpha." Grins Christian cheekily. Mattia takes a deep breath to calm down and doesn't say anything. "We don't have Alphas, Betas and Omegas Horner!" He says. "We don't have Betas and Omegas, but we have Alphas that lead us." Christian corrects him.

"Could you two just shut the fuck up for a minute!?" Toto shouts angrily. "Who did you mean?" Asks Mick quietly. "Marko and Steiner Mick, don't worry." Wolff answers now completely calm.

Max disappears briefly under the table and comes out again, grinning. He looks at Christian, who looks at him until Max suddenly says, "Christian, you were a kind of father figure to Seb. Are you my grandpa then?"

Christian stares at him along the lines of "What the fuck Max! What are you talking about?" Max just shrugs his shoulders. "I think we'll stick with Uncle Chris" says the Brit.

The press conference continues and drags on endlessly. "Are we ever done then!" Seb asks, pissed off. Mattia is about to grumble at him when the growl of a big cat is heard and Kimi looks at him threateningly.

Mattia drops back and mutters, "The conference is over."

The riders are relieved to step out into the sun where life goes on as normal and they do interviews and shoot videos.


Next chapter :)

The next one will be the fight and you'll see their animals.

What do you think, who is which animal?

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