CHAPTER 42 || Vettel-Räikkönen Drama

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When Mick wakes up and looks at the clock, he is surprised. It is just 05:40am.

Quietly, so as not to wake Valtteri, he gets dressed and runs into the kitchen, where he attaches a note to the kitchen board.

Do not worry, I'm out and about. Will be back at 08:00am!

Is written scribbled but still legible on the yellow post-it note.

Mick puts on a jacket and closes the front door behind him. Zhou, who has seen this, raises his eyebrows questioningly and traipses downstairs to see if there are any clues.

When he finds the note, he shrugs and snuggles back into bed upstairs.

Mick walks through the still empty alleys. It is quiet and yet he feels observed. When he looks around, he sees no one. Only a cat sparkles at him from its green eyes.

He keeps walking with his hands in his pockets and is thinking about bringing back rolls when suddenly he gets hit in the back of the head and everything goes black.

Seb wakes up with an uneasy feeling and goes downstairs to make breakfast. His gaze falls on the board with the shopping lists and the fuel payments.

He plucks the small yellow slip of paper from the board and takes it thoughtfully in his hand.

Glancing at the clock, he realizes that Mick should be back any moment.

He starts cutting white bread and someone hugs him from behind. Seb smiles slightly and leans against the other body.

"Guten Morgen Liebling!" He says. "Hyvää huomenta, kulta." Kimi replies and starts handing Seb the things without Seb even having to say anything.

There's no other way to put it. The two harmonize perfectly. Not only now in the kitchen when making breakfast. Also when it comes to things that are not part of everyday life.

When the German looks at his watch, he frowns. Kimi immediately asks, "What's going on?" Seb only replies "Mick should have been back by now."

Kimi also freezes and the two look at each other silently. They carry on a silent conversation, discussing with their eyes until Seb nods with a sigh.

But when even after breakfast Mick is not back, Seb realizes what the gut feeling told him in the morning.

Something happened to Mick. And nothing good.

But they wait and calm the children, who are becoming restless.

When Mick is not back in the afternoon, they call the police. Nico makes the call because he has not seen Mick for more than 24 hours.

When the front door opens and Lewis enters with 2 police officers, the kids get quiet and go into the living room.

The officers introduce themselves and then ask for the exact reason. Kimi admits to receiving threats via Instagram to destroy his life.

When asked what Mick was wearing, Valtteri says, "Zhou said black jeans and a red Premaracing jacket. And red sneakers."

The police officers make a note of it and also get the Instagram messages from Kimi before they say goodbye.

"Mick has been kidnapped!" Whispers Sebastian, close to tears.


Next chapter and first part. 3 more to go :)

I hope you enjoyed it and I also hope this does not count as a cliffhanger

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