CHAPTER 52 || Normal morning?

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The Netflix team has left. Nevertheless, cameras are still there. The drivers are supposed to film what a normal morning looks like. The fans, or more the camera, takes Daniel with him.

His alarm clock rings at 06:00am. He opens his eyes and sleepily picks up the camera.

"Hey lovely fans! Today I take you through a normal morning, which is not normal because it's Sunday. That means the older ones, today it's Seb, Kimi, Jenson and Romain are making breakfast which is at 09:00am. It is now 06:14 and it is time to go for a run for the rest. I stay here with the camera and Max films the running a bit."

Danny gets up and gets dressed. Then he runs downstairs and goes to the kitchen.

Romain and Seb are already sipping coffee in the kitchen, waiting for their husbands.

When they arrive, the four of them sit down at a table.

"They're planning breakfast now. Where we eat, what we eat, when we eat, why we eat hopefully not, and what was the last of the 5 w-questions again?"

Daniel briefly films out the window into the garden and comments "But it's looking good. We just wait for the sunshine, we just wait."

Nico comes into the kitchen and picks up a doughnut as Lewis also enters the kitchen and mumbles "Morning". Lewis looks up from his doughnut and nervously mumbles "Rosberg?" Nico just replies "Hamilton. Is that the last doughnut with red white blue sprinkles?"

Lewis stares directly into Nico's eyes before taking a big bite.

"What did I tell you would happen...I you ate the last doughnut with red white blue sprinkles?" Asks Nico.

Romain, who sees the upcoming drama looks curious forth and back between the former teammates.

"A little foggy on it, but I think it was something like 'raining down hellfire.' "

"That's right."

Romain takes a bite of a doughnut and and watches with big eyes the drama.

"And here I am without an umbrella." Comments Lewis.

"I feel a storm browing..." says Nico.

Romain coughs and both, Lewis and Nico, are looking in his direction where they see something. A doughnut with red white and blue sprinkles.

Romain follows their gaze to his hands before opening his mouth in a flash and shoving the rest of the doughnut in.

"Oh. Ma. God!" Whispers Danny.

Jenson suddenly claps his hands and shouts "Let's go, breakfast isn't going to make itself!" And thus probably saves Romain. Nico and Lewis glance at Romain once more time and then disappear.

"Okay it's 07:00am now and they are starting to put all the ingredients out. By the time everything is ready it will probably be 08:30am and by the time we eat 09:00am. The rest run a half marathon like every Sunday morning taking a swim break in the sea. Lewis and Nico are not there as neither have slept at all for the last 5 nights." Explains the Renault driver.

The older ones are now starting to make breakfast. Pancakes, warm fresh rolls, French toast, warm croissants, various jams and toppings. Coffee, tea and cocoa are made and juice is stirred.

And the way Romain handles himself in the kitchen, it's surprising he didn't become a professional chef. Also all kinds of prepared eggs are conjured up, as well as yogurts and sauces, and fruit and more.

At 08:00am the rest comes back and disappears directly upstairs for a shower. Since all this takes a long time, the cooking do not stress and calmly finish breakfast before all together uncover and look for a place. Shortly after 09:00am all then start to eat.

Of course, it is also very noisy and Max wants to let in briefly, since they are sitting on the terrace and Max's cocoa is still in the kitchen.

He puts the knife down and mumbles, "I'm going to get out another drink." He stands up, walks off.....

....And runs straight into the glass door.

And with full force. Without braking. Since he actually wanted to run, the force was so great that he lands on the floor and now sits in front of the glass door, dumbfounded.

All eyes go to him and he chuckles nervously. Danny laughs out loud and Antonio can't laugh anymore either, which is why the rest start laughing as well.

Daniel finds the whole thing so funny that he slips from his chair to the floor and lies there crying with laughter under the table while Tonio now lies on his and Danny's chair.

When they thought that the two were coming down, Tonio has to laugh even more, which is why Danny also has another laughing fit. When Tonio falls off the chairs and is now lying on top of Danny, the others can't stop laughing either and breakfast is interrupted for a laugh break.

After breakfast, Daniel sits in the living room for the final presentation while Stoffel chases Oscar in the background.

"Normal morning? Rather not but hey, it was real and since Max doesn't run into doors every day either, that's Oscar, we don't have to make breakfast every day because of a laugh flash. I hope it helped you understand what a Sunday morning looks like in our house. During the week, usually the younger ones make breakfast and the older ones can sleep in longer and we have cereal and toast. See you soon!" Grins Ricciardo to the camera.


Next chapter :)

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