CHAPTER 74 || Protective boyfriends

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07.09.2012, Monza (race weekend)

It's a surprisingly quiet morning on the track. Felipe Massa and Lewis aren't bickering, and it's quiet between the others, too. The chaos squad is simply still too tired to create this chaos.

It has to be said that 5 o'clock in the morning is a bit early. Something that is actually a problem is Helmut Marko.

The boss of RBR if you want to call it that. Dieter is still above him, of course, and he has to share the position with Christian Horner, but in that sense he is a boss.

On this rainy autumn morning, the motorsport world is stunned by a distressing discovery. Mark and Sebastian, once fierce competitors on the Formula 1 circuit, has been found heavily injured in a small gear between the Red Bull Racing garage and the Mercedes one.

Jenson, a close friend of both Webber and Vettel, receives a frantic call from a local marshal who has stumbled upon the accident site. Without hesitation, Button, known for his calm demeanor on and off the track, rushes to the scene. The gravity of the situation becomes painfully evident as he arrives.

The two Red Bull Racing legends are laying trapped in the wreckage of pieces of Lewis damaged bolide, their racing suits torn and bloodied. Their faces, once etched with determination, are now masks of pain. Button's heart sinns as he assesses the situation, realizing that time id of the essence.

Immediately, he calls for help and begins to carefully extract them from the mangled vehicle. It was a painstaking process, as any wrong move could worsen their injuries. Jenson's hands, usually accustomed to the precise handling of a race car, now works with the utmost care.

As they are finally freed from the wreckage, the injured drivers are loaded into a waiting helicopter, with Jenson at their side. He knows the importance of keeping them conscious and reassures during the critical flight to the nearest hospital.

Hours are passing, and the motorsport world helds its collective breath, anxiously awaiting updates on the condition of Mark and Seb. The news that follows are a mix of hope and concern. Both drivers had suffered multiple fractures and severe internal injuries, but they are stable, thanks in large part to the swift actions of their friend, Jenson Button.

Kimi Räikkönen and Fernando Alonso, are storming into the Red Bull Racing garage, their faces contorted with anger. They had just witnessed that their boyfriends were found beaten up this morning and no one thought about calling them. And they are not allowed to visit Seb and Mark.

Helmut Marko, the fiery advisor to the Red Bull Racing Team, stands at the center of the garage, overseeing the team's operations. He is no stranger to confrontations, but the intensity in the eyes of Räikkönen and Alonso gives him pause.

Kimi, known for his stoic demeanor and monosyllabic responses, unleashes a torrent of furious words, each punctuated with uncharacteristic emotion. "You've gone too far this time, Marko," he seethes. "You've hurt our boys, and we won't stand for it."

Nando, equally passionate, chimes in. "Sebastian and Mark are not just competitors; they're our boyfriens. We've raced alongside them for years, and we won't allow this to go unanswered. And what is even more important, we love them!"

The garage falls silent as the accusations hung in the air. Marko, known for his bluntness and sometimes brash decision-making, lookes momentarily taken aback. He knew the incident on the track had been contentious, but the anger of Kimi and Fernando was a force to be reckoned with.

The Lotus driver continues, his voice dripping with frustration, "We demand answers and accountability. What the fuck happened to them?!"

Marko, after a moment of reflection, acknowledges the gravity of the situation. He admits that emotions had run high, leading to the situation the drivers were found in.

"Are you, are you trying to tell us THAT YOU BEATED UP OUR BOYFRIENDS!?" The Ferrari driver yells at the RBR boss. Marko just nods and mumbles "It was an accident but I'm not sorry for it because they deserve it."

"You did not-" Kimi starts but Helmut interrupts him. "Shut it Räikkönen, it's not a big deal."

"Don't interrupt me you little fucker." Hisses the Fin before he starts smiling and asks "Don't you remember the promise I gave you? Hurt the people I love and I will kill you!"

"Looks like you're gonna die..." Grins Nando. Marko can't react at all, so fast is Kimi's first fist in his face.

He pushes the Austrian against the wall and growls with glittering eyes "There's revenge. You hurt my boyfriend, so I'll make your whole life hell."

Helmut wants to say something but a lion and a huge white tiger stop him. Now they stand with bared teeth in front of the oldest and scare him so properly.

But Kimi is a man who keeps his words. No matter whether promise or threat.

But since the young Finn wants it a little easier fairer, he quickly transforms back into his human form and breaks Helmut's nose directly. Nando breaks his arm. In the end he has broken his nose, cheekbone, arm and 2 ribs.

Nando and Kimi made their statement with that. And that was the beginning of the pack. Seb and Mark, who had been beaten up by their boss.

Helmut Marko was ironically found by Lewis, another member of the pack and the other McLaren driver.

"And that Kids is the reason why Helmut Marko is blind in one eye. The two have sharp claws." Nico ends the story. "But where were Christian?" Asks Max. "At Mercedes." Is the short answer from the former driver.

"I never thought that Helmut was capable of something like that." Mumbles Alex. The rest nods with wide eyes.

"Since that say, Christian always tries not to let his drivers be alone with Marko." Seb adds after coming into the living room.

"Yeah I recognized that." Daniel sighs. It goes silent for several minutes before Nico and Seb starts talking about random things to lighten the mood.


The explanation of the last Q&A question :)

Have a great evening, afternoon, morning or whenever you read this. Just have a great day!

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