Chapter 11: Sunshine After The Rain

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In this chapter Namjoon's phone conversations are written in italics

Namjoon's eyelids fluttered open in the dimness of his bedroom. The darkness enveloped him, and the only light was the faint glow of the distant streetlamp seeping through the curtains. He blinked a few times, his grogginess slowly giving way to the realization that he was in his bedroom. The hazy transition from dreams to reality played tricks on his senses.

The contours of his room began to take shape as his eyes adjusted.Namjoon shifted, and the soft rustling of the bedsheets brought back the memories from before. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his bare feet making contact with the cool wooden floor. The sensation sent a slight shiver up his spine, awakening his senses further. He remembered how him and Jungkook were about to kiss and how everything went downhill after that, and his staff and Jin coming into his office.

His hand searched for the comforting weight of his phone on the bedside table. He pressed the power button, the sudden brightness making him squint his eyes. The time showed 10 p.m.He realized that he had been asleep for a long time.

As his vision adapted, Namjoon got up from the bed, and he exhaled in relief, knowing that Jin hadn't tried to change his clothes and that he was still in his day clothes. Jin has done this enough times to know what to do and what not to do with him in such situations.

Namjoon's fingers traced the familiar path to the lamp switch. With a soft click, the lamp flickered to life, bathing the room in a warm light.

He stretched his arms overhead and proceeded to walk out, knowing very well that Jin might be still there, waiting to give him the old lectures he had been giving since their college days. He heard noises from the kitchen and walked there.

"Tae?!" Namjoon called, surprised to see him there.
Tae looked up from what he was doing and said, "Oh!!hey, you woke up. Do you feel better now?"
Namjoon nodded. "I thought you were in Jeju for the filming."

Taehyung smiled , "I was. I came back today evening, and Jin told me he was here."
"Ohh! I'm sorry about that; I ruined your night, didn't I?" Namjoon came forward and gave him a small hug.

Tae patted his cheeks. "Don't be silly! Are you hungry? I have food here," he said, pointing towards the takeout covers spread across the kitchen counter.

Namjoon's stomach growled upon hearing the word food. He remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since the morning.
"Go sit. I'll serve. Jinnie is taking a call in the other room; he will be here shortly." He said this and went on to take the food out of the covers.

Joon nodded, walked to the dining table, and sat down there. He heard one of his spare rooms doors opening and closing, and soon Jin came into his vision.
"You are up! Those new sneakers have already sold out. We need to restart the production; people really love them. The team says they're getting inquiries on when we will stock them back up."
" Yeah!! I noticed think we should introduce more colors..and I think.." Namjoon began to speak more, but Jin put up a hand to stop him.

"That's work for tomorrow. Right now, tell me why the hell you went to the office today! I thought you were going to your home and meeting Mom and your relatives."
Namjoon sighed, knowing that Jin was about to begin his routine scolding, "I did."

"What happened then, the staff said some guy was over. Did he do something? Why are suddenly random men coming to see you?!"

Just then Taehyung came into the room
carrying a few dishes "Jinnie, no!! obviously he didn't. He called the staff and informed them about Joon."

Jin took the dishes from Taehyung and placed them on the table.

"Whatever it is, you need to see a doctor about this,I don't know how long the staff will keep it inside the day or the other this will go out and you will need to answer everyone's questions including your family's so before this gets worse..i mean its already too late but still you need to get help" he said while he scooped food onto plates.

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