Chapter 16: Baby it's Cold Outside

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I Couldn't sleep, so why not sneak in a chapter?😉📖

Please do ignore the mistakes

Jungkook took a long walk along the serene Han River after his meeting with Namjoon. He needed some time alone to collect his thoughts and reflect on the unexpected turn his life had taken. His life had been filled with hardships ever since his parents passing, but he and his grandmother had lived through it all. His grandmother's employment with a wealthy family had provided them with a lifeline, a chance to escape the constant struggle they faced.

However, as soon as his school days were over, Jungkook decided that he wanted to live life on his own terms. He politely refused any further assistance from the well-off family and made his way to Seoul. In the busy city, he took on a variety of odd jobs to make ends meet, determined to stand on his own two feet. And he survived against all odds, made enough money to get himself enrolled in a top college and was happily living his life.He had no intention of becoming someone's boyfriend, as his priorities were entirely different.

Then,the CEO entered his life , changing every plan he had about his life, eventhough initially he expected it to pass, his undeniable attraction to the CEO was messing up all his plans. Jungkook was well aware that a relationship with someone like Namjoon was nothing short of a fairytale, and he understood the difficulties that would come with it. Yet, something about Namjoon drew him in, a magnetic pull that he couldn't ignore. a feeling that went beyond the glitz and glamour and their differences in social status.

Jungkook sensed that Namjoon was a lonely soul, trapped in his own mind, haunted by unseen ghosts. He was a troubled man, and Jungkook had an urge to protect Namjoon and be there for him, protect him from all the bad thoughts and feelings . He didn't know the specifics of Namjoon's past, but he wanted to understand, to be a source of support and comfort for him.


Later that night , Namjoon stood in front of the full-length body mirror in his room, in the dim light , he began to slowly undress. With each layer of clothing that he peeled away, more and more scars were revealed, reminding him of everything he had endured since he was a child. He stared at his naked body, his heart racing and a wave of disappointment washed over him.
Ugly, that's how he felt when he saw himself in the mirror .

He had worked hard to get in shape, to try to make himself feel better, but the scars, both visible and invisible, remained etched into his skin and soul. No amount of exercise or effort could erase the pain of his past. Tears welled up in Namjoon's eyes,

"No one will ever like this," he whispered, in a trembling voice

He quickly found a robe and covered himself up. a sob escaped him as he stood there falling prey to to his insecurities that the man had fed him forever..he was unlovable, he was ugly..he was too tainted to be loved ..

Namjoon gently brushed his fingers over his lips, the memory of Jungkook's sweet kiss still lingering there. It was only the second time in his life he had felt such warmth during a kiss—the first being that boy in school, a memory buried beneath the pain he had endured since.

Jungkook's kiss felt like a comforting hug. For a short moment, Namjoon had felt safe and protected, a sensation he believed he might never experience again. Jungkook's kindness and understanding had touched a part of him that had long been hidden away. But Namjoon knew that if he were to pursue a relationship with Jungkook, he would have to reveal the darkest secrets of his past, the secrets he had carried with him for so long. It was a terrifying thought . He couldn't imagine anyone accepting him.

And the ever-present fear of the man who had held power over his life for years.The danger of his involvement with Jungkook was real, and Namjoon couldn't bear the thought of the younger man getting hurt because of him. The fear of the man's retaliation was hige, he couldn't let Jungkook be dragged into that darkness. He was sure no one would want such a life ..

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