Chapter 28: The Calls from Heaven and Hell

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A/N: If anyone happens to come across my books in any other form or shape, translated or with Changed character names please know that it's been done without my permission. I only have two accounts, here and in Ao3 under the same name.

Didn't realize this book crossed 10k...Thank you you all🩵🩵🩵

Ignore mistakes please🙃

As the clock struck midnight, Namjoon sank into his chair groaning from the strain in his back and the ache in his head. The past few weeks had been hellish, with a mountain of work for both Jin and him. They had been tirelessly pursuing partnerships with some new prestigious brands for their site, leaving them with  little time for rest. Most of their days and nights were consumed by preparing presentations and organizing meetings to move their company forward. Tonight, he had insisted Jin go home early, knowing that Taehyung longed for his company after returning from an extended shoot abroad. Having also sent Soobin home, Namjoon had decided to tackle the remaining tasks alone.

He rubbed his forehead trying to ease the headache that was bubbling up slowly. He know it would probably take a few more hours of work until he can get home.He was about to go back to his laptop when his stomach grumbled loudly reminding that he had skipped dinner.

A faint smile crossed Namjoon's lips as he suddenly remembered that Jungkook had ordered dinner for him at the office without even asking. Not only did Jungkook arrange the meal, but he also requested the restaurant to include a little note on the package, asking Namjoon to do not skip dinner and to eat well. It had been a few days since he last saw Jungkook, as the younger was busy with exams and Namjoon was occupied with work.

He had set the food aside for later, completely forgetting about his hunger until now.
Pulling the meal out of the fridge, Namjoon warmed it up in the microwave. Just as he was about to indulge in the delicious food, a video call notification flashed on his screen revealing Jungkook's name.

He answered the call happily , glad that he have someone to talk to over meals. He never liked to eat alone although he was accustomed to that. Jungkook often called him after he finish his work ,making it a part of their daily routine and Namjoon found himself eagerly anticipating their conversations each day.

"Hey, Hyung!" Jungkook greeted him in his usual cheerful voice.

Namjoon blinked a few times in surprise seeing Jungkook on the other side

"Hey! Ahh...Why are you shirtless?" he asked,looking at Jungkook's bare torso. He had positioned the camera to show his entire frame and Jungkook was only wearing his black sweatpants standing in front of his mirror applying some kind of lotion to his face.

Jungkook finished his routine and stepped closer to the camera,picking up the phone. "I just got back from work and took a shower, Hyung. " he explained casually.

" ohh!!" Namjoon licked his lips ,unable to hide the effect Jungkook's shirtless appearance had on him. He could feel a flutter of excitement coursing through his body..especially as he laid his eyws on the tattoos adorning Jungkook's skin. And his sculpted body which had always attracted him.

Namjoon huffed and pushed aside his distracting thoughts..he coughed lightly, attempting to regain his composure.

Jungkook noticed Namjoon's gaze lingering on him and how uncomfortable he looked . He understood what was causing it and he playfully bit his lip, enjoying the elder's reaction. "Are you having dirty thoughts about me, Mr. CEO?" he teased in a husky voice, knowing how flustered Namjoon could become when teased. Jungkook found it adorable how Namjoon was still learning to respond to flirting and often ends up getting red and shy instead of saying something back ,whenever he starts flirting or say something bold.

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