Chapter 21 : You are Not alone

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‼️Disclaimer: I lack medical expertise and knowledge regarding therapy sessions. This writing is based on limited research for creative purposes, and it may not accurately reflect the actual therapeutic process. I acknowledge the likelihood of errors in this area, and I apologize for any inaccuracies.

Additionally, this narrative does not offer genuine solutions or recommendations for real-life struggles. It is essential to consult professionals for appropriate guidance. The portrayal of therapy sessions involving Namjoon in this chapter may not be similar to actual therapeutic practices.

Warning: It's a messy chapter

Namjoon took a deep breath, settling into the chair across from Dr. Chen.He remembered how he was once here at the same position struggling to talk. Experiencing recurring panic attacks as the intensity of the violence during sex with the man grew, Namjoon once recognized the pressing need to open up to someone. Seeking refuge, he initially turned to Dr. Chen for care. However, the fear of judgment forced him to go back into the safety of silence.But today was different.He was ready to face his fears and move forward in life.No matter how difficult it is.

Dr. Chen who carried a pleasant expression with a warm gaze, began, "Namjoon, it's been a while since we last spoke. What brings you here today?"

Namjoon hesitated, his words emerging in a hushed murmur. The lingering fear instilled by the man resurfaced...the threats and punishments for attempting to disclose his secret. Amidst this conflicts, another face crossed his mind – Jungkook. Recollections of Jungkook's understanding and non-judgmental demeanor sparked a faint glimmer of hope within Namjoon. He sighed meeting the gaze of Dr. Chen. "I have been carrying a lot, Doctor. It's like there's a weight on my chest that never really goes away."

Dr. Chen nodded empathetically. "Take your time, Namjoon. I'm here to listen."

His comforting tone gave Namjoon the necessary confidence to speak up. His assurances of confidentiality especially was helpful.

Opening up, Namjoon shared pieces of his past, the struggles, and the haunting memories that had stayed with him for far too long. Dr. Chen listened attentively, offering support without judgment as namjoon feared in the past.  eventhough he struggled at the beginning he slowly felt kind of liberated finally letting it all out.

After some time, Dr. Chen sensed that Namjoon might still be harboring something, waiting for permission to speak. Delicately, he touched the topic of potential ongoing abuse and expressed his concern for Namjoon's well-being. "Namjoon, I want to create a safe space for you to share any current challenges you might be facing. If there's anything ongoing, it's crucial for us to address it together," Dr. Chen approached the subject with utmost care

Initially taken aback, Namjoon eventually opened up about his current struggles, revealing occasional contact with the abuser, who had escalated into more sadistic and violent behavior. His eyes teared up as he recounted his last encounter and the last phone call from the abuser, threatening a more prolonged visit next time.

"Namjoon, I'm here for you, not just for the past traumas but also for any present difficulties you may be enduring. Your safety is of utmost importance here," Dr. Chen reassured him, suggesting the establishment of healthy boundaries and finding ways to minimize contact with the abuser. Understanding that Namjoon might find it challenging to act bravely and reject the abuser directly, given the psychological impact of years of manipulation, Dr. Chen advised him to create excuses to maintain distance.

The courage Namjoon displayed and his willingness to improve, coupled with his self realisation that what happened to him was wrong, infused Dr. Chen with hope. He believed that Namjoon's healing journey might be slightly more manageable than he had initially anticipated.

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