Chapter 26: Caught in the Act

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Being lazy and sleepy like last chapter Jungkook ...i slept through while writing this chapter a few times🥱.

There will be lot of mistakes..please ignore them.

Everything had been going remarkably well between Namjoon and Jungkook since they deepened their friendship. Namjoon found himself more willing to open up whenever he felt the comfort with Jungkook and in turn, Jungkook shared some of his own personal stories. Namjoon couldn't help but admire Jungkook's character .He admired how he managed to carve out a fulfilling life for himself despite everything ,mand put himself through college all while pursuing his passion for modeling and acting.

Last night, Namjoon had surprised him after his work shift at the bar by bringing him dinner. Which they enjoyed together sitting in a park near the workplace and later Jungkook showed him how to play basketball in the empty court in the park. For Namjoon being with Jungkook was an experience unlike any other. Despite the simplicity of their activities, it was the first time he had someone to share such ordinary yet meaningful moments with. The memories of the night slowly made a small smile appear on his lips, and involuntarily, he began humming a tune while he was working.

Seated beside Namjoon as they worked together, Jin couldn't help but notice the difference in Namjoon's entire demeanor.He furrowed his brows in surprise and looked at him. It was highly unusual for Jin to see Namjoon engaging in such human behavior. Throughout all their years working alongside each other, Jin had never once seen Namjoon listening to music or let alone hum, not even in the privacy of his own home.

"Are you ..singing?" Jin's curiosity was evident in his question, making his assistant Hana also look up to Namjoon with a smile

Namjoon blinked a few times taken aback by Jin's question . He hadn't actually realised he was humming. It was a habit he didn't even know he had formed. Reflecting on it, he realised it might have been a habit picked up from spending time with Jungkook, who always seemed to have a tune on his lips. He loved Jungkook's talent in singing and admired it a lot, which might have subconsciously influenced him.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, trying to play it off casually.

Jin chuckled and shook his head "Positive!! I may not notice many things, but when the CEO of our company starts humming, it's hard to miss." He said with a teasing tone

Hana laughed softly, noticing Namjoon's horrified expression.

Namjoon shrugged "Well, maybe I was just thinking out loud."

Jin frowned and leaned forward "Everything alright, Namjoon?"

"Yeah, just lost in thought"Namjoon hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Jin gave him a knowing look, but didn't press further ,especially with Hana in the room. "Alright then, let's refocus!! Hana, could you please take this file to the marketing department? Give it to Manshik and tell him it needs to be sent out today, so ensure it's handled with care," Jin instructed, passing the file to her.

Hana nodded respectfully and took the file from his hands. "Of course, Sir," she replied before excusing herself from the room.

Once she was out of earshot..Jin leaned in slightly with a playful glint in his eyes. "So, now that she's gone... You were humming a tune, weren't you?" he teased with his smile widening.

"Ahhh... No!!"Namjoon replied without making eye contact with his friend,trying to brush off the matter.

But Jin's grin widened even more andd he set his pen down ,leaning back in his chair. "You did! You just hummed a song!"

Namjoon shrugged, "I don't know... why are you so obsessed with it?! so what if I did?"he asked with big eyes

Jin chuckeld and shook his head "You never do anything human-like... Why now?hmm?" He teased

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