Three: taken

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I woke back up in the machine and opened my eyes slowly. I gasped for air as I could feel the machine doors open. I slowly came out to a new scientist around me. He slowly leaded me out of the machine, and I could see Molly doing the same.

She looked normal again, and still had that smile as she talked to the scientist next to her. I looked around my surroundings. Back in earth, or should I say back in reality? Condo still wasn't woken up yet and in his own machine in his own place. Meanwhile, I was with only Molly and another machine that was never used.


Me and Molly had to move in with each other because Mrs. Modyheart thought if we spilled any information about the Marin, they might tell everyone. So we moved up to the upper deck. Everything was cleaner and organized. Me and Molly were so surprised. Once we entered, I took the bottom bunk while Molly took the top bunk, it's not like I cared because I was always scared of heights.

They told us tomorrow we might be able to capture some animals of the planet. They said since we have the body of the creature, it might be easier to get some information about what's on the planet and things we don't even know. It made me excited because Condo told me we weren't going to be able to communicate with the animals. I couldn't really fall asleep that night. For some reason, I was so excited even though I was so scared at first, maybe the planet isn't so bad after all.

I let Molly sleep and explored the lab. I saw my aircraft that I was originally supposed to go on, and the suits I was supposed to wear. I guess they found it more easier like this. I entered a big room full of spaceships and unused devices. Prototypes, and information about the Marin. A big piece of paper with the body of the Marin front and back, also side at the bottom. It explained most of what Condo had told me. I grabbed it and read the back of it. it talked about the spiritual creature that seems to be extinct.

It has a long skinny tail with spikes going along it. It's purple and it has blue stripes but it's eyes are pitch black. I read it's information.

"Extractals seem to be creatures that existed before the aliens. They are spiritual creatures that could connect and communicate with the aliens, speaking to them in their dreams, in their mind to tell them where they were, if danger was near, if anybody was watching them, and many other things they could do to help out the aliens. It is proven that the Extractals are the prototype of the aliens, at least from what we can say. We are hoping to bring this creature back to life, to grab It's information and data. This time usable for humans.

Oct 18th, 2017."

So they're trying to do witchcraft now? Pleasant. I hear footsteps behind me, and my head immediately turns towards the door which I came from. I hide inside of a locker next to the desk where I found the paper, keeping the paper in my pocket, I might tell Molly this when I get back into the dorm. I try to look out little holes on top of the locker, like the ones in middle school. It's Condo, what is he doing by himself? I thought he would already be asleep by now just like everybody else.

He looks at his desk and grabs a paper underneath some other paperwork. I listen carefully, but I don't really hear him say anything except a sigh. I held my hand at my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. I feel the paper falling out of my pocket, I grab it as soon as I can. I make a loud gasp and the paper rumbling. I close my eyes and pretend I didn't make that noise. "Who's there?" Condo speaks as he turns his head away from his desk. I make no noise. I open my eyes and look around the locker. Someway to escape. Condo comes near to the locker. I stare from the holes. "Hmm.." he mutters. Another scientist comes rushing out.

"Dr. Tarso! We found something!" he yells. "I-I'm a little busy right now, Charlie." he walks over to the scientist. "Yes, yes, but you are going to like this Dr. Tarso." he leads him out of the room. That scientist just saved my life. I come out of the locker and gasp for air. I put my hands on my knees and almost fell to the ground. I look where I saw the scientist and Condo leave. I grab the paper from the locker and stuff it inside of my pocket. Then I rush out of the room as quickly as I can not to make too much noise but I just want to get out of there before that scientist comes back.

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