Ageing Potion Recipe

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Makes two cups of product.

- Two Butterfly or Moth Crysalis'

- Five grams of Giant's Bark

- Three grams of Mammal Placenta

- Half of a Nocrilla horn

- One full Snake Shed or two grams of Wyrm Shed

- A complete Robin's egg or two Robin wing feathers

- A tablespoon of fresh frog or fresh fish eggs

- Six fresh Sunflower petals, eight fresh Lilacs, or one fresh Lotus

- One whole Spider of any size (smaller spider = younger look, bigger spider = older look)

- Snow melt; must originate specifically from melted snow/ice

Note: Because of this requirement, Ageing Potion can only be brewed fresh as long as there is snow and/or ice outside (Winter months in colder climates/higher elevations)


Description of final product:


Shelf life: Two months if stored properly.

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