Invisibility Potion Recipe

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To brew an invisibility potion, gather the following ingredients and follow the steps below, but feel free to add your own twist. Makes four cups of liquid.

- 2 tablespoons of Bee Honey
- 4 cups of ground up Grave Parsley root
- 5 teaspoons of ground up Eagle Cotton flowers
- 1 teaspoon of Bone Meal
- 2 Cliff Daisy leaves

Mash the Grave Parsley root with your hands and put the result in a container. Add a little bit of spring water to turn it into a cream-like paste, then add the ground up Eagle Cotton flowers; first one tiny amount, then everything else. Fill a pan with dry ice, add the mixture to cool it down, then bring the mixture to a boil. Let it cool down until it feels slightly scalding before adding the Bone Meal and Cliff Daisy leaves (add them all at once, but do it very gently). Gently warm the currently disgusting mixture, mix in the Honey and let everything rest for an hour.

Remove the solidified impurities floating at the surface. Your potion is ready to be used. A few sips is all that's needed for the potion to work. 

Description of finished product: Emerald with green swirls and nearly ice cold, contained in a plain flask. The potion smells like pineapples and tastes strangely floral. Side-affects may include blurred vision and light-headedness.

Storage: Store in a dark, dry place

Shelf life: If stored properly, this potion can be kept for up to a month and a half.

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