Misc. Potion Ingredients

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Adder's Fork- The forked tongue of an Adder snake. Used in the Truth Serum.

Ampithere Feather- A shed feather from an Ampithere's wings. Burnt to ash and used in Teleportation Tonic and Ghost Tonic. Some Ampitheres know this and will sell/trade this ingredient to alchemists.

Baleen- Bristle-like filaments collected from the mouths of various baleen whales. Once unethical to procure via commercial whaling, baleen is now sourced from already dead whales or from the end result of a Native People's successful hunt. Used to filter out impurities out of various concoctions while imbuing the concoction with trace amounts of mana to increase the potency slightly. Baleen will need to be replaced every 5-10 years or so (depending on how often it is used). If no baleen is available, a common cheese cloth or strainer will work, but won't increase the concoction's potency.

Bee Honey- Normal honey from normal bees. Often used to flavor potions or to mask the bitter/sour taste of poisons.

Bone Meal- A powdery substance made from ground up bone of any kind and is easy to come by. Used in various healing potions. The fresher the bones used to make the bone meal, the more potent the bone meal will be.

Butterfly/Moth Wings- The wings from a butterfly that have been separated from the body. Used in the Beautification Potion and in the Drought of Calming.

Butterfly/Moth Crysalis- The pupae of various butterfly and moth species. Used in the Ageing Potion.

Caakle Antler- The antler from a dead Caakle. Used in a potion called 'Glahil'.

Cactus (all parts)- Parts of a moisture rich, tough, desert-growing group of plants that are commonly found in hotter, drier climates. The flowers (dried or fresh) are used in the Beautification Potion, the flesh (fresh) is used in Sva'aro (certain species only), Bevege, and the Ageing Potion, and the spines are ground up and used in various love potion antedotes and the Herbicide Potion. Cactus fruit (fresh) is blended and used in the Mana Recovery Elixr.

Campfire Ash- Ash from a campfire that was allowed to burn out on its own. Can be used in place of Volcano Ash, to a far less potent effect.

Cane Sugar- Along with Sea Salt, is used to preserve meaty potion ingredients.

Chickaubar Feather/Liver/Heart- Parts from a Chickaubar. The feathers are often burnt to ash with Drage Fire and used to make Teleportation Tonic or Ghost Tonic. The Liver is often diced up, marinated in Vodka, then used in Truth Serum. The heart is marinated in rum, diced up, and used in Blood-Replenishing Potion.

Coconut Milk (raw)- The sweet-tasting liquid fron a freshly-cracked coconut (pre-packaged coconut milk will not work). Used as a binder.

Coral Skeletons (powdered)- The stark white skeletons of dead hard corals. Pulverized into a powder and used in the Gills Potion and in the Beautification Potion. Those who live/work near and/or with saltwater environments have an easy time getting this ingredient. Ethically sourced from already dying or dead chunks of coral.

Drage Dung- Dung collected from a Western/Hellig, Wyvern/Makt, or Drake in their true form and dried. Very easy to come by. Used in Dragon Dung Fertilizer. Has no odor, interestingly enough.

Drage Fire- Hotter than summoned fire and 'normal' fire, natural Drage fire is used to activate certain medicinal gels and to heat up various concoctions quickly.

Drage Urine- One of the more... unpleasent ingredients to work with. Has a strong musty smell that repulses almost all other creatures. Often used as a pest control agent or even as a quick and easy fertilizer. Also used in some poisons. TOXIC IF INGESTED!

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