Dragon Dung Fertilizer Recipe

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Unlike some of the other listed concoctions, you can freely add other ingredients to this concoction; allowing for further experimentation or customization. However, the base ingredients listed below must remain the same. Makes at least five pounds of solid product.

- 7 pieces of fresh Drage dung from a fire-breathing Drage species (ideally Western/Hellig, but Sheng or Wyvern/Makt dung will work, too)

Note: Drake Drage dung could suffice if you're really in a pinch, but the resulting product won't be as potent.

- 2 rat spleens

- A handful of toasted dragonflies

- 3 drops of blood from a Jord Mage/Drage

- 1 1/2 tea spoons of golem powder

- A small vial of spring water (can be subbed for Drage Urine for greater potency)

Using hands covered by rubber gloves, mash the Drage dung and ground rat slpeens together in a large copper bowl. Slowly add in the toasted dragonflies in two-minute intervals until you are satisfied, then sprinkle in the golem powder and continue to hand mix for five minutes while slowly pouring in the entire vial of spring water. Finally, add three drops of blood from a Jord Mage/Drage and hand mix for a minute.

Once thuroghly mixed, scoop the mixture into terracotta pots, and then have a fire-breathing Drage hit the pots with their fire in thirty-second intervals for a minute. Once the minute has passed, allow the pots to cool until they are safe to handle. Break down the resulting solid, dry fertilizer into a fine powder then store.

Mix three tablespoons per one quart of potting soil, mix with water and water plants as normal, or sprinkle over garden for best results.

Description and storage of final product: A terracotta pot filled with grey, odor-less ashes that is to be kept in a dry, warm place. DO NOT EAT!

Shelf life: Does not spoil; but for best results, up to a year if stored properly.

Bonus note: Re-apply to plants every two weeks for best results.

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