Helpful Herbs

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Author's note: This will be continuously updated.

Most of these plants are beneficial, though some can be turned into a lethal poison; which is only to be used IN EMERGENCIES!


"Special" Herbs and Plants

Amiscus- An uncommon, tall plant and can be found only in caves. It blooms twice a year, for 2 weeks. It has huge, elliptic leaves, which are usually blue-green. It also grows large flowers, which can be dark blue, dark grey, or dark silver. These plants grow in tiny groups, but it's near impossible to control and maintain their growth. As a defense mechanism, Amiscus tastes very bitter. They rely on wind pollination to reproduce. Once pollinated, they grow small (dime-sized), delicious nuts that are safe to eat for all Drage races and resemble pistachios in their shape and size.

Uses: The leaves are used to alleviate cough and fever, pain, and general gastrointestinal disorders as well as to cure dermatologic disorders. Similarly, the nuts and oils can be used in the treatment of liver disease, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic wounds or other dermatological disorders. The nuts are also used in cooking; commonly in salads and ice cream.

Angel Pepper- A rare, huge plant and can be found only in snowy regions. It blooms twice a year, for 1 week. It has wide, round leaves, which are usually light orange. It also grows large flowers, which can be light red, dark brown, and dark orange. These plants grow alone, but within a decent distance from each other, but it's a bit tricky to control and maintain their growth. As a defense mechanism, the Angel Pepper grows thick thorns. They rely on winds to carry their seeds away to reproduce. Once pollinated, they grow fairly large, delicious fruits that resemble a dark purple chili pepper.

Uses: The fruiting bodies can be consumed to treat seizures and headaches. The fruiting bodies can also be used in cooking as a seasoning.

Arctic Juniper- A common, small bush that can only be found in tundras. It blooms three times a year, for 1 month. It has small, barb shaped leaves, which are usually dark orange. It also grows huge flowers, which can be light pink or dark purple. These plants grow alone, but within a decent distance from each other, but it's really tricky to control and maintain their growth. As a defense mechanism, the Arctic Juniper grows small thorns. They rely on winds to carry their seeds away to reproduce. Once pollinated, they grow small, delicious berries that look like blueberries.

Uses: The dried flowers can be made into a tea or hard candy and consumed to relieve a sore throat. The fruit can be dried whole or turned into a jam and consumed to restore energy. The fruit can also be processed into a juice and left to ferment to create a sweet alcoholic beverage similar to white wine called 'Vin'. It has an acquired taste; as it is too sweet for most Drages and has no medicinal properties. The dried leaves can be consumed to help rid a Drage of internal parasites.

Ash Sage- An uncommon, small tree that can be found only in volcanically active areas. It blooms once a year, for 1 month. It has huge, toothed leaves, which are usually lime green, and dark grey bark. It also grows quite large flowers, which can be dark grey or light red. These plants grow in small groups, but it's tricky to control and maintain their growth. As a defense mechanism, Ash Sage tastes horrible when eaten raw. They rely on animal pollination to reproduce. Once pollinated, they grow small (about the size of a Human newborn's hand), delicious nuts that are similar in shape, size, and texture to a praline.

Uses: The bark can be chewed on to relieve intense pain. The raw nuts contain some anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and are commonly consumed by Drages with poor immune systems, though it can be enjoyed by a Drage with a perfectly functioning immune system as well. The fresh leaves or flowers can be chewed into a pulp and smeared onto the face and chest to help clear sinuses and help make breathing easier.

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