Gills Potion Recipe

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To brew a gills potion, gather the following ingredients and stick to the recipe, there can be no substitutes or mistakes. Makes one liter (L) of liquid.

- 1 cup of blood from a Vann Mage/Drage

- 4 teaspoons of Bone Meal

- 2 Parrigator Eyes

- 1 ounce of Noorican Blubber

- 2 sheets of Seaweed (dried)

- For use in salt water, add a tablespoon of pure sea salt per liter of potion brewed

Grind the Bone Meal and put the result in a cup. Add some spring water to turn it into a creamy emulsion, then add the Noorican Blubber in tiny amounts at a time as you slowly heat up the mixture. Fill a pan with fresh spring water, add the mixture, and leave it refridgerated for up to two hours. After two hours, bring the mixture to a boil. Let it slowly cool down to room temperature before adding the crushed Parrigator Eyes and dried Seaweed, a quarter at a time, alternating between the two. Bring everything back to a boil, turn off the heat, mix in the Vann Mage Blood and let everything rest in a cool, dark, dry place for up to four hours.

Remove the impurities floating at the surface with a wooden spoon. Your potion is ready to be used. Three droplets is all it takes for the potion to work. 

Description of finished product: Fuscia with blue swirls and boiling intensely, contained in a bone flask. The potion smells like fish and tastes like sludge. Side-affects may include nausea/vomiting, dizziness, and flatulence.

Storage: Store in a dark, damp place

Shelf life: Up to six months if stored properly.

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