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The day of the wedding has actually arrived and I was not ready for this shit.

It felt like not only Valentina, but everyone else was getting married. The panic, the stress everywhere stressed me out.

"Milo, fix that chair!" Rora yells. I scramble and fix it.

"God, its just a chair." Xavier mutters and Rora turns around. "Say that one more time, ill turn you into a chair."


"Now go help with the flowers."

Us three boys go to the flowers as Rora said.

"I hope im never invited to her wedding, because, god." Xavier shudders.

"Yeah, me too." I mutter. Except the thought of her getting married made me want to punch whoever it was, so.

At about noon, I'm dragged to the dressing rooms. I don't understand, it's just putting on a suit, what the hell is the big deal?

I button up my shirt, then put on the blazer. I grab the tie and throw it around my neck. How in fuck's sake do you put a tie on?

Just then, there's a knock at the door. I open it and find Rora standing there, looking...wow.

"Hey." She smiles but I don't hear one thing she says. All I see is her lips moving but not one word coming out.

She looks...fuck, she looks beautiful. She looks too fucking beautiful. God, look at her. She had a long dress on, two cuts on the side. Her hair down, her makeup done.

Woah. Did I mention how gorgeous she looks? It takes everything in my power not to grab her and kiss the absolute fucking shit out of her.

"Milo?" She says, waving a hand in my face.

"Shit, yeah?"

"Are you ready? We're supposed to be walking down the aisle any second now."

"I know, I can't put my tie on."

"I think I can do that." She smiles, walking inside. She approaches me and does my tie while I stare at her pretty face. My eyes goes down to her lips, and then back to her eyes. The way she frowns a little as she fixes my tie.

She finishes and runs a hand down my chest. "All good."

"You look good too." I blurt out.

She laughs. "You look good too, Miles. Now, come on."

Then I was standing next to her in the line. Emilia walks out first as the flower girl. "She looks so cute." Rora squeals.

Then her and I were both walking down the aisle. I go to my side and she goes to hers. Juan walks down with his dad and Valentina walks down with my dad.

I shove my hands in my pockets as the priest starts talking. My eyes glance back to Rora who's smiling so big at the two getting married. She couldn't be happier for them, and I love that about her.

Love, Aurora Where stories live. Discover now