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"Sofia King, daughter of Chandler King has been arrested this morning for the use of rape drugs. Cops also found an assault rifle in her car and was taken for question immediately-"

At first, I just thought it was some random Sofia. Because it couldn't be the same Sofia that I knew, right?

I mean, sure, she was a horrible person but come on, really? But the second her picture pops up on the TV, I turn off the TV and let out a breath.

Oh, god. No, no, no.

It has to be who I'm thinking it is. It can't be a coincidence that the day after I tell him what happened, Sofia is in jail.

What did you do, Milo?

I rush out of my dorm and head to his.  The second the door swings open, I find Xavier, Bruna and Milo laughing and talking with a beer in their hands.


His head snaps around and he sees me. He stands up. "Hi."

"Did you do this?" I ask, pointing at the TV they're they're all laughing at.

"She deserved it." Bruna shrugs.

"Oh, my god. You had them involved too, Milo?"

"What?" Milo asks.

"You framed Sofia just because she hit me? Milo, I don't- oh, god. I can't even believe you right now-"

"Hey, hey." Milo says, grabbing my shoulders. "I know I'm not that nice but I'm not that horrible." He says, frowning.

He pulls me to his room and explains to me everything. He explains the whole deal about her and her obsession with boys that seem to 'like' me.

He talks about Nick and Sofia which just made me heart break. Nick had stopped talking to me completely after i walked in on him and Sofia in bed together. He always looked so horrible but that's because Sofia made him become addicted. Nick had gotten  high and Sofia would have sex with him.

The only reason I couldn't recognise Sofia was because she got surgery before coming here.

But I can't help but think how her actions ruined her whole family. Her innocent mother and siblings.

"You really thought I'd frame someone?"

"You're really surprised?" I ask, eyebrows raised.

He scratches the back of his head. "I had help too, it's not just me."

"I know." I say. "Im sorry by the way, for assuming things. I just...assumed."

"Yeah, I know."

"Thank you. I can't believe you did this for me."

"She deserved it." He shrugs. "So, i have a question."


"So, Nick." He starts and I roll my eyes. "What about him?"

"Were you two close?"

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