Chapter 6

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Kingsworth College: Second Year

Aurora's POV

"Hey Charlotte, wait up!" The halls hum with chatter while I run after my friend, her sole attention on the group of guys waiting for us.

I'm huffing and puffing by the time I get there, taking a moment to bend over and catch my breath before slapping Charlotte on her back.

"I told you to wait." I take a seat on the bench next to them, sweat lining my forehead. It was Spring, but the interior halls had the nerve to install a twenty-four seven heating system that blasted heat into every nook and cranny.

"Sorry! Boyfriend was waiting." I almost gag at the sight of her and Maddox sucking face, their daily making-out session repeating for the second time today. I warily glance at Kaiden, who's head is turned the other way.

He doesn't show it, but the rest of us know it's on purpose.

"Hey. Let's get to class." I tap him on the shoulder and give him a warm smile, gesturing to the rest of guys to follow. As for Charlotte and Maddox.. I didn't wanna interrupt whatever the hell was going on next to that bench.

"Nice outfit, princess. Who you tryna impress?" Levi's teasing voice comes from my right, and I give him a glare.

"Like always, no one." My dating life was, like always, still a blank book.

"Not even Liam? Look, there he is." My attention gets stolen towards the man walking through the hall facing towards us, his eyes right on me. I just give him a smile, to which he waves back to in response.

"Levi, I told you. It was a one-time thing." The man I had just smiled at from across the halls was indeed Liam, a college freshman whom I was involved with just after my first year ended.

Me and Charlotte had grown a bit too fond of clubs and all things party-related during the dead of night, and that's basically how I had bumped into him. I met him at club, and he brought me a drink. After that, things came to me pretty easily, and one thing led to another before I found myself waking up in his dorm room.

No, I was not drugged. I very clearly remember what had taken place the night before.

Losing my virginity wasn't even all that. When it happened, all I remember was him being surprised and then suddenly slowing down, and me a hot, off-the rails mess trying to get him to speed up. He was awfully gentle, but at least not one of those men who don't give a single fuck about who's in their bed. It's was an embarrassing story, but absolutely nothing compared to the ones I've heard.

"You know.. I can be the one to fill in his spot." He gives me a knowing nudge and throws his arm around my shoulders.

"Yo. Hands off." Kaiden says, his voice a tad bit stiff. He was still looking forward, face flat and bare of emotion.

Levi groans and puts his hands up, surrendering. "Right.. I forgot about your cold-blooded, serial killer-coded brother."

That tugs my lips up with a smile. Levi was definitely the humorous one out of the whole group, while Maddox was that and crazy. Dante.. well, he was Dante. Even with two years of all of this, I had only interacted with him successfully a handful of times. I don't know why, but he also gave off the scariest vibes. When I see him sitting with a look that reminds me of someone close to tearing apart a house while also ready to sleep, I get reminded of my brother Enzo. Kai was the smart one. He was the sole member in our group that actually put in effort to get to class on time, which is why he wasn't here wasting time next to us. Levi and Maddox slacked off the most, a great example of that being Maddox still hung up in a corner with Charlotte slobbering all over him.

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