Chapter 11

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Kingsworth College: End of Third Year

Aurora's POV

"I'm gonna miss you so, so much."

Charlotte becomes a boulder of wet tears shoving herself into my chest, that comforting smell of roses and fresh laundry causing me to sigh into her hair.

"Me too." I drop my bags and wrap my arms around her as tight as she is me, like I'm never gonna let her go. 

"Be safe, okay?" Her sweet whisper becomes a distorted hum when I realize just how much time we've spent together, and how long we now have to be apart.

"You too. And I don't just mean sex." She chuckles, the sound much more heart-filling when I realize I won't get to hear it for a long time. 

I pull away and laugh when seeing the tears mixed with mascara dried onto her freckles.

"Ha. You look like a raccoon." My voice comes out trembly, emotion dotting it while a tear skates down my face.

"And you look like a princess." A swarm of sadness rushes over me when she says the phrase, one she never forgets whenever we're together. I've become so accustomed to hearing it, I kind of forget that she'll only be able to say it over a phone now.

One last hug, a kiss on the cheek, and then Kaiden's groan is fizzling the sadness away.

"Can we go now?"

"Shut the fuck up." We both laugh when I mutter it into her shoulder, tears now gone and only happiness in its place.

Our fingers intertwine for a second and then I let go, giving her one last, warm smile before Kaiden decides to drag me out of the room and shove me into the car waiting for us.

A heavy sigh tears out of my chest when Charlotte's door shuts, all the memories of us playing truth or dare, karaoke, dressing up for parties and clubs, coming to a slow close as well.

"Okay. Why are women so emotional? You can literally fly her over with the amount of money you have in your back pocket."

"Oh, shut up. As if you wouldn't act the same if you weren't coming with me."

"Hey. It wasn't my choice. Leo having to repeat a year means I have to go with you."

Fall leaves crunch under my foot, a chilly wind hitting my exposed legs under my skirt.

"You excited, though? To see New York?" I speak to him through the rush of wind.

"I guess it'll finally be a nice change. California's been my home since I was born."

"Yeah, well, looks like New York will be your new one."

The crunching of leaves turns to sandy gravel when we enter the parking lot, Leo standing in front of us with an open trunk.

"Seriously? Ten fucking bags?"

His eyes narrow at an out-of-breath Kaiden. Ten, pastel-pink suitcases and bags with varying sizes stand on the gravel, dust imminent unless they don't get put inside the car trunk.

"What'd you expect, man? Your sister is like, the most high-maintenance female I've ever met."

I give him the slightest pat on the shoulder accompanied with a grin.

"Glad you know me well enough to at least figure that out."

I open the door and take my seat inside, leaving the front two seats for Leo and Kaiden. 

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