Chapter 18

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i aint never written something this hot without it being sex

Aurora's POV

Happy moments weren't uncommon. Times like now, where I had not much to think about, not much to stress over, were probably the only moments I got to fulfill on my own.

Cassie sat in my lap, my fingers intertwined in her black strands. Long hair was thought of as a gift in our family, and I guess God's grace provided us with suitable proof as soon as another one of us popped out. Vague memories of Mama braiding my hair while I sat in her lap, Adriana as well. Only difference was, my sister gave up after a minute of trying.

"Aura. I have a question." Her sweet voice drawls on, playing with a giant crocodile plush in her lap.

"And I have an answer." I continue french-braiding one half of her head.

"Do you have a crush?"

I pause, mind aloof from the sudden inquiry. Just like that, the hard contours of a certain Russian face swarm my mind. I push it away.

Just because he's downstairs doesn't mean you have to think about him.

"Nope. Why, do you?" I tease, tugging her strands.

"Ew. I hate boys."

Oh, how I wish I could disagree.


"Because of Aiden. Everytime I go out to play hopscotch, I find him rubbing all the chalk away."

See, if I was a little girl trying to enjoy her neighbor's company and someone ruined something special of mine, the chalk would be on the boy's face rather than his hands.

"Well, as long as you ignore him, you'll be fine."

"But.. everytime I go outside he's sitting on his doorstep, waiting for me. Once, I had to slap him because he fell asleep."

I halt my braiding, and a slow grin stretches across my face.

"Oh, Cassie. You might not have a crush, but Aiden sure does."

I suddenly feel a pang of pain for the poor boy. All that waiting, and for her to barge off with nothing but hate in her tiny little heart? I feel her huff, crossing her arms.

"But he's annoying."

All men are.

"Next time you see him, talk to him. Ask him what's his favorite colour," I continue the braid, "His favorite game," I finish and tie it off with an elastic, "And if he has a girlfriend."

She starts giggling, and tears away from me.

"Hey, wait! I haven't done the other side-"

"Wait until Mikky finds out! I hope he doesn't take his gun outside."

I freeze for a second before scrambling after her, heart thumping when she opens the door to the loft and skips down the stairs.

"Cassie, wait!"

The thumping sounds in my ears, as I hop down the last step and fast-walk down the hall, seeing the last door on the left close with a slam.

I yank the metal knob open, barely looking around before I catch Cassie skipping through work-out material, the smack of mats sounding under her tiny feet.

I look next to where she stops, and my feet stop. I stop.

There he is, bench-pressing four-hundred fucking pounds.

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