Chapter 27

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TW: contains explicit sexual content including bondage and voyeurism

next two chapters r kinky yall skip if u don't want the heat

Aurora's POV

"Vivienne loves her eccentric places. Why question where we're going as long as you know it's a party?"

"Because. I don't wanna be involuntarily dragged to a beer factory just to watch our cousin cut a cake for her twenty-sixth." 

The pastel yellow slinky-top draped across my front, proving a much livelier appearance than the ghostly white Adriana made me wear. "Do people just hate color now? Why a black and white party?"

"You wanna have fun?" Layla's eyes pinned a haughty stare on me, I was scared her eyes would roll so far back I'd see even more white. "Follow the dress code."

Being a proud ambivert was a choice. Either I was so loud the walls shook with my mere voice, or so quiet even mice would crawl out and ask when I'd admit I was their long-lost cousin. Adriana's black cow-neck dress was a black hole, and I wondered why she was so keen on wearing the embodiment of death. 

I went to swipe on a layer of Delphine's pink gloss, but the tube ripped out of my hand and tossed itself into the nearest trash can. "Excuse me? I got that off a sale." A body stopped me for scrounging for it. 

"Yeah, and you shouldn't have." My sister's eyes dragged down my body with that same judgmental look that made me want to crawl into myself. "All the white.." She shook her hands over my form, "It's blinding. You need to break it up."

"With?" I stirred, impatient.

She grinned. "Red." 

She might as well drag a knife across my neck and let it drip all over. The tube was daring, wrapped in black-encased metal. I could cringe just holding it. "Pink's not gonna last you your whole life, Aurora. What, you wanna be eighty and wear a pair of bubble-gum pop lingerie?" Layla's acrylics clacked from the edge of my bed. 

I sincerely hope so. 

With a sigh, I snatched the lipstick and leaned in close to the mirror, swiping the rich, deep crimson all over my lips. Like butter, it remained cold and daring on my skin. I could shiver at the erratic sight in front of me, but it wouldn't do any good. 

White dress, white-gold jewelry, white heels. And then a harsh red, tearing through the innocent facade like it was a reminder of all the bad things I've done.

Layla's gasp tore me out of my trance. "Just wait 'till the guys see you. They'll be begging on their knees to get a taste."

"No thanks. It's a cocktail party- You'll only see me with a few Whisky Highballs and Cherry Poppers."

The memory of our cousin Vivienne's last birthday struck, a hillbilly special at Russel's farm. A goddamn farm. Every woman from our family had gone home with dirt tucked up her fingernails that day. She may be spontaneous, but the men wrestling in pig's mud had surely driven up the entertainment points for me. I guess I could say tonight wouldn't be that boring.. given the animosity of the location. 

Confused, possibilities ran through my mind. A wine distillery? A bar? No, not weird enough. 

"Surely it's not a tattoo parlor?" I deleted the chance of it as fast as I spoke. 

"I got my first at fourteen, Aurora. Lorenzo has better handwork than any RiffRafe's Crib for miles."

"You know what? Sometimes I like to be surprised." Somewhat. Secrets ranged through vast distances- some so dangerous they ended in bloodbath, some only white lies that flamed through barely visible cracks between glass. And in this world, that was what came to mind.

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