Chapter 23

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yall hit the jackpot with this one

if ykwim 😏😏😉😉

Mikhail's POV

I dragged my bottom lip between my teeth, craving more. I hadn't even tasted all of her but fuck, vodka's never tasted any better coming from someone else's mouth. Her mouth.

The whole ride back to my house my cock had been a throbbing reminder to what she'd done to me, and it'd been so hard- so fucking hard, not to lose control. I hadn't planned what happened- all I wanted were some answers. But she'd taken my touch like it was just what she'd needed, and those fucking lips of hers and that goddamn vodka had tore up the last shred of dignity I had left in that cave. When I'd pinned her with that look, that usually made the frustration in her eyes bleed into her mouth, she'd turned it right back around instead. 

She didn't even touch me, for fuck's sake. She'd given herself an orgasm, no help from me involved, and left me high and dry with a dick as hard as her stubborn attitude. 

Aurora was going for it, and some small part of me couldn't believe it. I'd never met anyone like her. She rose to every fucking challenge- and today she'd won.

My motorcycle pulled up to the outside of Alleviate, and I quickly slid off the seat before the long gone memory of her kissing me on it reminded me of this new-found passion that was beginning to emerge out of her- not the forgiving kind.

It had started that day on the beach. She pushed me first, and whatever happened after that was due to the challenge I saw in her hazel-ringed eyes everytime I decided to play around. I was never a man of commitment. Aurora knows that. 

Playing around is too much fun to stick myself to a routine, one that forces me into a position where I can't back away. She's aware of every stick I've thrown, yet she runs after it and brings it back like she's aware of every single one of my intentions. Mostly bad. 

Truth is, she's nothing like Jess. Elaine, Anastasia. I've never been with a woman who's fed my lust like she has. With every other woman it's a routine. Fuck, lick, bite, come, kiss, repeat. Not with her.

Cold wind blew against my wet collared t-shirt. I hadn't bothered to change, and my head ran a marathon just trying to figure out if the reason was due to her touch being engraved on it, or if I was just fucking lazy. I could still smell her, for goodness's sake.

Fucking vanilla and strawberries.

If Nikolas was here he'd land a knocker on my nose for the amount of times he's warned me to stay away. Adriana, even more. Aurora was 'off-limits'. A prized diamond encased in blue-gold velvet.

But it was a getting to the point where I couldn't hold myself back. She's seen it, the look in my eyes and the tightness of my grip when she looks up at me like I'm her fucking enemy and all I want is to keep the look frozen in time. 

She hates me, but she loves it.

 And God, I was waiting for the moment she'd be in my bed. All for me to touch, to tease, to fuck until she had no choice but to pick me over any other man. That's when I'd really get to have fun. My promise to her from the benefit had rolled over my vision every single time she was close. "I'd make sure you couldn't see, first. A blindfold would do the trick, maybe." But the thought of the look in her eyes gone made me feel all sorts of wrong. Maybe we'll just start with the blindfold, then. 

"Rope. So you wouldn't be able to move." So she wouldn't be able to scrape those pink goddamn nails down my chest and make my patience wear thin before I even got the chance to fuck her.

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