Chapter 15- Liz's POV

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I ran to his room, and my heart stopped when I saw that he wasn't there. My whole body went rigid while I looked at his empty bed, the bed still freshly made from this morning as if he hadn't even gone to bed yet.

Was he gone? Did he leave me before he was supposed to?

Tears welled up in the back of my eyes, and my throat closed when I thought that. My heart broke while I stared at the empty bed, not knowing what to do or who to contact to see if he was still here.

'You could contact him,' Whisper said, not as heartbroken as me. She sounded slightly amused, and I couldn't help but press my lips. 'He's still in the house, Liz. Can't you smell him?'

My face turned red, and I looked away from the room and down the hall. I hadn't thought about that, the only thought in my mind being that my mate was usually in his room at this time, waiting for me to come to bed too.

'Maybe he isn't in his bed because there was a chance you wouldn't show up,' Whisper said snippily. 'Now, go see if you can't smell him or find him some other way. He should be here somewhere.'

I did what she said and took a deep breath, focusing my attention on my mate.

My whole body sagged with relief when I smelt him still in the house, and I started to make my way toward him, wondering what he was doing and if he would forgive me for the way that I acted.

He's still here. He won't leave me without telling me.

I picked up my pace and started to run to where I smelt him, my feet quiet against the hard ground. My heart raced as fast as I did, keeping pace with how fast I went to find him.

Where was he though?

I ran down the steps of the second floor and paused on the main floor. I looked around, taking another deep breath to smell him and started to go in that direction, smelling Cage with him too.

His and Cage's scent mingled with each other on a different level of the house, and I followed it until I was in the basement, which I had been in only a few times before.

I started to walk across the floor, staying silent and heard a few grunts of pain and annoyance coming from not only my mate but from Cage too.


I picked up my pace and opened the only other door in the room to reveal a training place that I vaguely remembered when Axel showed me the house that he had built for us and his family.

Our family, I reminded myself with pursed lips, and my heart ached a bit. They are our children, not just his. They want me to be their mother, so I will be their mother and be the best mother that I can be.

Cage was on the floor with Axel standing over him in a defensive position. Cage groaned but didn't attack the sweating male like I thought he would. "Damn, Majesty, you are stronger than you look," he said while he grimaced further.

My mate's back was turned to me, but I had a feeling that he smirked while he went, "hmph."

Cage groaned again and laid his head on the floor while he closed his eyes. "How aren't you even tired yet, Majesty?" he asked. "I thought you would be." He flicked his hand as if to say that he submitted, and my mate slowly started to relax.

Axel moved a hand across his forehead, his back going in and out with each breath he took. "I might be tired, but I can't sleep," he said while he stopped being defensive and relaxed completely.

He held out his hand for Cage to take, and Cage took it without a single thought and let my mate help him stand again. "I have done this for quite a while, so it isn't nothing new to me."

The Beta's Young Warrior (Book 2 of Young Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now