Chapter 29- Axel's POV

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I blinked and blinked again when I "came to" and looked around the room, feeling as if there was something missing in my memory but in a different way than I felt when Harrison did something to me.

It felt as if there was this mental block with a fleeting memory that drifted by every so often that I didn't know or like because I knew that it was something important, even though I didn't know why.

Someone shifted in front of me, and I looked that way to see a man, who I knew did something to me but couldn't understand why, and he hesitated before he bowed and submitted, much to my and my wolf's relief. "How are you feeling, Beta?" he asked and lifted his head while he looked at me again. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat while he cocked his head and furrowed his brows. "Do you feel ok?"

Do you remember what I did.?

I had no idea why, but I knew that he was the cause of this discomfort, and a part of me was relieved but also annoyed that whatever he did "worked."

Even if it could be for a little while...

"I feel... foggy, Terrence," I replied and furrowed my brows while I pursed my lips in annoyance, trying but failing to remember what happened. I looked at my hands before I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What did you do to me?"

"Who said I did anything to you, Beta?" Terrence asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and I slowly blinked and set my jaw while I looked at him, unamused. He shook his head and cleared his throat again. "I didn't do anything."

I scowled and narrowed my eyes, not liking that he was lying to me. "That is a lie, and you know it, Terrence," I warned, and he bit back a small smirk while he bowed his head a little, not meeting my gaze.

"I know," he replied before he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat some more. "However, you warned me about this yourself."

"And... what did I tell you exactly?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question, even though I had a feeling that he wasn't going to tell me anything about what I told him or why.

Sure enough, Terrence smiled sadly and shook his head, silently indicating that he was not going to tell me what was going on. "I think your Warrior is getting antsy about you being out of his sight for this long," he said and shifted in his seat, clearing his throat. "I know that my Alpha is and is afraid of a revolt that he is chalking up in his head with me still being here and out of himself." He raised both eyebrows in unison while he looked at me.

I pursed my lips in annoyance but knew that he wouldn't tell me anything before I slowly nodded and relented with an annoyed sigh. "If that happens, then let us know," I said, moving a hand through my hair before I pursed my lips in annoyance. "We will be ready to assist you if you need it."

Again, Terrence shook his head and bit back a small smile. "Even if there was one, Beta, it would be an internal affair only. If we do need something, then we will be sure to contact you, but for the "revolt" part, it will be all about us."

I narrowed my eyes further before I sighed and relented with a slight nod of my head, pursing my lips in annoyance. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat and stood, and he followed suit without me saying anything. "Is there a way to get Colton and Sabrina to be members of my pack?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question, changing the subject. "I am not sure if Warren will allow it, but I would be relieved if I can get them up there and out of harm's way."

"It also depends if they want to go there themselves, Beta," Terrence said. "If they do and your Alpha will be fine with it, then I can see what arrangements we can do down here, but again it depends on if they want to go or not."

He stared at me with wide eyes and tucked his head closer to his chest, and I had this sinking feeling that they wouldn't want to leave.

I bit ɓack an annoyed sigh and moved a hand through my hair and across my face while I slowly nodded and pursed my lips in annoyance. "Ok," I said before I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "If they do change their minds, let me know. My pack and I will gladly take them out of this pack and let them join ours. The same offer goes for you, Terrence."

Terrence bit back a small smile and shook his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot abandon my pack in their time of need, Beta. Thank you for the offer, however. I do appreciate it."

My heart ached when he said that, and I hoped that he wasn't making a grave mistake.

He was going to be needed for the battle that has yet to come...

There was something different about him, something that I couldn't quite put my finger on, but a part of me knew that this pack wasn't the only thing he served or get orders from.

But I didn't know what...

Terrence cleared his throat and shifted on his feet, looking very nervous for some reason. "The Alpha wishes that you and your Warrior respect the pack rules and not contact each other via mindlink."

I raised an eyebrow in question, mildly shocked and impressed about what he was telling me. "And why would I do that?" I asked. "Why would I not contact my Warrior through mindlink?"

Terrence shrugged and grimaced. "Because it is part of the pack rules?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "Other than that, I do not know, Beta."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and shook my head while I pursed my lips in annoyance. "I will talk to Harrison about this," I said coldly before I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. "How will you and Warren know if we do decide to talk to each other via mindlink?"

"Oh, we won't," Terrence said with a shake of his head, biting back a small smirk. "That is why he wishes you would not do it. He can't force you to follow his wishes or the rules of this pack when we know it'll be different."

I gave him a sidelong look through narrowed eyes, and he stared at me with wide innocent eyes, waiting for me to say something else. "Will there be a punishment if we do not follow it?"

"No, Beta," he said and shook his head.

He cleared his throat and placed his arms behind his back with clasped hands while he looked at me. "I have warned the Alpha what would happen if we forced you two to follow those rules and punish you for not doing so."

"And do you know what would happen if we don't follow the rules and get punished?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

Terrence bit back a small smirk and slowly nodded. "Hell will reign down on us before we can say, "Beta, wait,"" he said with a small smirk in his voice.

"And?" I asked and raised the eyebrow higher. "What did he say about that?"

Terrence smiled sadly and shook his head before he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. "Nothing, yet," he said before he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet some more. "And for his "safety" I hope he follows my advice and not attack the Beta that had taken over a pack at the age of fourteen." He winked, biting back a small smirk.

I bit back a small tired smirk as well while I slowly nodded. "So do, Terrence," I said. "So do I."

And with that, Terrence cleared his throat, bowed, and muttered something under his breath that sounded like "Beta" before he left the room, leaving me behind to watch after him.

Oh, Goddess, please protect this pack... I silently prayed with a small sigh and moving a hand through my hair before I started to follow him to go back to Harrison again.


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