twenty; public flirting

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Later in the afternoon I head home after watching a movie with Milo at his house. It was nice to be able to relax and feel comfortable in his company. The last place I want to go is home but I know I need to face my father at some point.

No doubt he's going to be furious with me for walking out.

As I say goodbye to Milo, a gentle hug as we part. Each time we embrace or touch skin, it becomes amplified with the progress of the bond between us. Never have I known something so magical to exist, until it happens to you, you won't appreciate it.

For the first time Milo opened up to me.

He has a sex addiction. A sex addiction.

The look on his face when he thought I was going to reject him for struggling. Especially after he told me how he didn't cope very well when he learnt of his mothers death, everyone around him finding their mates. Yet he felt having sex would somehow help him feel something, instead he became addicted.

If he told me this when we first met, he's right, I might not have understood. But now that I've got to know him a bit better, it makes more sense to me. Going out to sex parties, sleeping with multiple wolves, not caring what anyone thought.

Some people might look at that as a dream lifestyle but really, Milo was suffering in silence and letting his numbness eat at him.

I'm glad he trusted me enough to say something because he was so worried about how I'd react and that shatters me into tiny pieces. This whole time he's been hurting and I had no idea.

But I'm more than pleased to hear he's getting the help that he needs. Both of us going to therapy... who would have thought?

And when I asked him if he'd ever cheat on me, the bond told me the answer in big red capital letters. NO. So I believe him. If the bond says it's true then I know I have nothing to worry about because he's been putting all of his time and effort into me.

I'd be able to tell if he had been on another wolf because his scent would change. But now I've heard it from his own mouth, I know he will stick to his word. Even if he struggles, I know the guilt inside him from his wolf would be so unbearable he wouldn't be able to go through with it for his needs.

The idea of eventually having sex with Milo somewhat scares me because I am a virgin and being with him makes me feel nervous. I would have no idea what to do and most likely make an absolute fool out of myself trying.

Considering his news, I'm a lot more calm about it than I thought.

Probably because I understand what it's like to have a constant battle inside your head, mine being my low self-esteem and insecurities. We could relate to each other by feeling like there is always something to prove.

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