Chapter One

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Heya guys here's the first chapter of the story, This story will contain alot of songs related to each character and I hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

Having your heart broken is a way of life. Everyone gets there heart broken at one point does that mean that we stop loving? No, Because we can't. We can't control what our heart wants. We can't always protect ourselves, We can't see into the future we have to take risks and if we end up getting hurt well at least we can say we've learnt from them. It's the same with love. We fall inlove, our heart gets broken and we find a new love. It hurts I'm not going to say it doesn't because it does. Your giving your heart to somebody you believe you can trust it with and when they break it you feel like you'll never get over it but you do. It takes time but you do. I'm a big believer in love, That one day you'll meet that one person who makes all the pain worth it. Who takes your heart and takes care of it, I've always believed that the one special person is waiting for you, So when I do get my heart broken I don't give up, I keep taking chances because if you don't you'll never find that one special person. 

When your heart gets broken you start wondering what went wrong. Questions run through you. Was it me? Was I the reason it went wrong? Did I not give them enough space? Did I ignore them? Was I good enough? You automatically blame yourself because it seems like the right thing to do at the time, But it's not your fault. Things happen, Couples break up, It's all apart of life. We all have a road we have to follow, We face things we didn't expect but it's the life that's been planned out for us it's our choice if we follow it and take the risks of straying away and going down a different path, A darker one. I used to give up, When my heart got broken I swore I'd never give it to somebody else but then I realized not everyone out there is going to hurt me I just needed to find the person who won't, My true soulmate. 

My idea of a true soulmate? I suppose somebody who understands me. Somebody who gets the jokes I tell even when they don't make sense. Somebody I can be myself around. Somebody who doesn't want to change me or make me into something I'm not. Someone who accepts my flaws and loves them. I'm not asking for perfect I'm asking for somebody who I can love. I'd love somebody who shares the same passion and dreams as me, My passion and dream? Well that's easy it's music. Music is my way of expressing myself. When I have that guitar in my hand I'm happy, No matter how many times my heart gets broken it's thanks to music that I get back up. Music made me realize that I can be strong and I can be anything I want to be if I really tried, That's why I applied for Simon Cowell's boarding school which specializes in music all different areas of music. Simon Cowell knows everything there is to know about music and to go to one of the boarding schools that he owns gives you a much better chance of breaking into the music business which is my biggest dream.

"Niall sweetheart your letters here" My mum shouted from downstairs. My eyes widened as I quickly rushed down the stairs. There stood my mum at the bottom of the stairs with a letter in her hand, My heart began to beat like crazy.

"Oh god! Mum what if I didn't get in?" I exclaimed.

"Don't be silly Niall, Of course you got in your talented really talented" My mum stated, I sighed before looking down at the letter. Going to this boarding school means the world to me, It means I can go and study something I really love, Something I'm passionate about. I took a deep breath before turning the letter around, I then began to open it. Once the letter was open I pulled the piece of paper out that decided my fate. Ok so maybe that's a little over dramatic but when your passionate about something and you can't see yourself doing anything else things like the contents of this letter is a real big deal! I unfolded the letter and began reading the small print, My eyes widened and it felt like my heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

"Niall sweetheart? What does it say?" My mum asked, I looked up from the letter and looked her straight in the eyes no emotion was crossing my face.

"I got in, I actually got in!" I stated happily before pulling my mum into a tight embrace, She laughed happily while hugging me back.

"Niall I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed, I did nothing but hug her even tighter. I can't believe this, I'm going to one of the best music schools in the whole world, I'm going to be learning from the best teachers out there, I was going to Simon Cowell's fucking boarding school could this get any better?! This is why I don't give up on love, Because if it wasn't for me falling inlove and getting my heartbroken I would have never found music. If I didn't I wouldn't have applied for this school, We all have a road we have to follow and I'm following mine with my eyes wide open I can't wait to see where it leads me.

Ziall-Beneath Your BeautifulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora