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Point of Interest: PoI Alpha, "The Anomaly"
Location: [REDACTED], North Sea, Germany

The Anomaly is a point of interest located at coordinates [][][][][][][], first reported on [][][][][][][][] by KANSEN FGS Sachsen and FGS Hamburg.
The Anomaly appears as a singularity-like phenomenon suspended a slight distance over the sea level in the air. It fits the description of a "Black Hole"- like formation such as the ones found in interstellar space, with certain key differences:
- The Anomaly does not passively exert attracting gravity onto the surrounding water and air.
- The Anomaly does not emit radiation or other such signals of any kind.
- The Anomaly appears to be bound in some kind to the ground below it, as it has remained absolutely stationary without showing any signs of movement.

The Anomaly possesses an ability which will activate once an individual enters a specific area around the proximity of it, whereupon the affected individual will be drawn into The Anomaly with great gravitational force. Anything drawn into the center of The Anomaly disappears and is declared Missing In Action.

The origin of The Anomaly is currently unknown. The affected location has been discovered by a German Navy Fleet comprised of KANSEN FGS Hessen, FGS Sachsen, FGS Hamburg after being deployed to investigate anomalous activities in the affected area. Upon encountering it, KANSEN FGS Hessen approached The Anomaly far enough to trigger it's anomalous properties, drawing her in. A rescue was attempted by FGS Sachsen and FGS Hamburg, which was abandoned in order to prevent further losses, leading to FGS Hessen being fully drawn into The Anomaly and disappearing.
FGS Hessen has been declared M.I.A. for the time being.

Operation Nighthawk:
The NATO Response Force has been alerted and has declared a [][][] - wide exclusion zone around The Anomaly, with the Carrier Strike Group 12 having been deployed to the area. Research is currently ongoing to extract any information of The Anomaly's nature which might be useful in potentially recovering KANSEN FGS Hessen. However, due to the current state of the operation, FGS Hessen is still declared M.I.A. until proven otherwise.

Additional/Personal notes USS Gerald R. Ford:
I feel incredibly sad for Sachsen and Hamburg. They lost their sister to that thing, with no signs of what happened to her. It is not surprising that they have been incredibly distraught about all of this... I can see the sadness in their eyes every time we meet. Hamburg, once incredibly prone to tease others, now speaks very coldly with everyone including myself, while Sachsen tried to act as if everything is normal, even though i can still see her true emotional state through the cracks in her emotional facade she built up.
The other German girls showed the complete opposite behavior of this - instead of letting their morale down, they were all filled with incredible fury at the fact that their sister-in-arms was taken away, as if their spirits have been lit on fire. They are pretty much ready to do anything needed to get Hessen back, no matter how extreme - it is almost scary at how drastically their behavior changed.
But still - never before has a NATO warship been declared Missing In Action in such a manner. I wish we could just pull Hessen out of that... thing... but so far, there's nothing good in sight. I just hope we can find out even a smidge of what we are truly dealing with. High Command says they'll start doing some kind of experiments on it to see what they can find out - hell, some say it could even be some kind of wormhole leading... somewhere. I sure hope this is the case... that would be our best shot at getting Hessen back.

I guess we'll have to just wait and see.



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