Chapter 24: The Experiment

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The chain-reaction which followed could only be described as a frenzy, perhaps even a mass hysteria of some sorts. Even the Commander was participating, though it is unclear if he did so out of personal choice or because of the peer pressure his kansen exerted onto him.

First things first, the time the journey back to the Azur Lane's main base had available was used to formally ratify the alliance between the Azur Lane and the Crimson Axis, finally ending years of conflict. This debate certainly took its time but ended on a satisfying agreement between both parties - including the return of all captured wisdom cubes to their respective home factions.

It is also probably interesting to mention that Alster was overseeing the entirety of it, spreading her 'unique' reputation even further. If this was intentional or not is yours to decide.

But this was not the main focus. The moment everyone arrived at the base, all hell broke loose - or, what do you call it when positive chaos breaks out? Let's just call it: All heaven broke loose.

Seemingly everyone set one goal into their heads, the entire base running high with activity.

"Special cargo inbound, clear the area."
The voice of Queen Elizabeth warned. A helicopter soon approached the base from the carrier before slowing down, gently touching down onto the ground.

"Polarstern, please make final check-ups on all electrical systems involved. We are reaching levels of experimentalism that should rarely be reached."
Planet requested, with Polarstern quickly rushing off in response before she refocused her attention onto the landed aircraft again.

The doors of the helicopter opened and Kawakaze stepped out first, her face filled with seriousness and her katana leaving the helicopter even before her. She glanced around before fixating her eyes onto Nagato who was standing nearby.
"Lady Nagato, we have safely arrived. No interruptions or disruptions during the journey."

Nagato nodded in acknowledgement. She had specifically sent Kawakaze to protect the Watatsumi - after all, it was the most sacred item the Sakura Empire had in possession.
"Excellent. We shall begin soon."

Next, a particular white-haired kansen stepped out - Unzen.
"The request has been fulfilled - we shall change fate today."
She held a highly-decorated, secure package in her hands.

While Planet witnessed this scene, she suddenly felt a tug on her shoulder. It was... Sachsen, who looked at her very worried.
"Planet... You do know how reckless and suicidal this can become? This is essentially a gamble. Who knows what might happen?"

Planet responded with a smile.
"...This is the essence of a research ship. Pushing the borders of science even further and further. I was born for this exact purpose. Either it succeeds, and we get your sister and our comrade-in-arms back - or my entire internal electrical grid detonates itself due to over-strain at once. Both outcomes earn results, both of which are useful. Don't worry, all important assets have been transferred to Polarstern."

The wide smile Planet portrayed did not reassure Sachsen at all.
"Why are you smiling?! How can you even talk positively about this?!"

"Sachsen, please, with all due respect... You are speaking with a weapons research ship. I am accustomed to things blowing up in my face."

Sachsen was shut down as Unzen interrupted, looking at the research ship.
"You must be Planet, I presume?"

"That is correct. Please follow, we do not have time to waste."
She quickly gestured to the research ship docked nearby.

As the plan went along, Planet essentially transformed into a mad scientist. What they were attempting here was experimental to such a degree that you would have been seen as insane if you went through with it.

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