Chapter 9: Extraction

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Location: Pacific Ocean / Sakura Empire waters / Unknown island

Locational data: Offline substitute active / No errors detected

Current time: 3:23 - Night

Weather: Heavy fog

Mission: Extract - Monitor - Survive - Protect

Kansen active: FGS Hessen, HMS Sheffield, HMS Edinburgh
P.o.W Kansen cooperating: IJN Akashi


Infiltrating the sleeping heart of the Sakura Empire silently was risky to begin with, but doable seeing that two elite maids did so. Getting hunted by the entire Sakura Empire after detonating half their homebase as a failsafe, though... not so. Then the Iron Blood joined in after having heard about the attack. Though sending two large fleets just to hunt three - four if you count in Akashi - kansen seems a bit exaggerated.

And there the four kansen sat somewhere on the abandoned island, hiding inside a large derelict building. The green cat, the modern frigate, and the two royal maids.

"How long will we stay here, nya?", said Akashi. "It's getting cold..."

Sheffield looked at her a bit annoyed.
"Until the rescue fleet arrives. I already sent them a coded message."

Edinburgh, worried, looks at her.
"Still... we cannot stay here forever. They will continue to search for us around this island."

Hessen kept examining the katana she had taken from Takao earlier in her hands.
"My ECM is still active. We should be absolutely safe for the time being. I've shut down all other systems besides that and my communication systems to conserve fuel, including the data link. I predict i can keep this up for at least a few hours - until then, we should be already rescued.. at least i hope so."

"I agree. Any news on your end?" Sheffield asked.

"Yes... both good and bad. Which do you want to hear first?"

"I do not particularly care, just spit it out.", Sheffield said coldly.

"Alright, alright." Hessen put the katana down. "Good news: Heavy fog is rolling in. Bundled with an active ECM, it should be almost impossible to find us, even with recon planes circling above us."

"Good. And the bad news?" Sheffield glanced into her eyes.

"Bad news... They have begun a blockade of this island and the Iron Blood joined in."

"Hmm... problematic. Although that was expected. Let me guess - a particular Iron Blood heavy cruiser joined in?"

Hessen checked her radar, looking back up.
"Indeed. How was she called - Prinz Eugen you called her?"

"Indeed. She seemingly appears everywhere the Iron Blood operates."

"What stops them from just bombing the entire island?" Hessen took a look at her radar again. "They do have enough kansen present to achieve this, both via air and sea bombardment."

Edinburgh interjects. "I am sure you can already find out yourself - i think because they want the cube and most likely you too captured alive."

A cube? What did they recover during the infiltration?

Hessen's face filled with curiosity.
"A cube? What did you two even recover from the base? I sure hope it was worth detonating half their port by accident..."

Edinburgh took out a strange black cube from her maid uniform. The cube glowed an ethereal purple light, illuminating the building they were in a bit. Hessen looked with awe.

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