Chapter 7: Reconnaissance

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Location: Azur Lane main naval base / Pacific Ocean


Current time: 20:22 - Evening

Weather: Light cloud cover

Mission: Monitor - Observe - Unveil - Investigate

Kansen active: FGS Hessen


The following few hours surprisingly went without any major occurrences. Hessen took this opportunity to explore the base a bit more in detail. Well - at least New Jersey told her to do so. But she is not complaining - the base truly is huge. Some of the hallways seem to go on for forever - and it seems that after every corner there's something new to discover, including new faces.

She decided to check out the Royal Navy dorms this time. They can't be composed of 80% maids, can they? Plus, back home, the British navy was also called "Royal Navy". At least the name of this faction was not weird.

She steps out of the main base building and looked out to the sea. The sun already began setting, slowly covering the sky with a beautiful red color.
Hessen wanted to better familiarize herself with the base, and decided to not use the map of the base's layout which she was given by the Commander when she first arrived. She already knew the rough location of important areas and buildings such as the main building and the dorms - it's just the specifics that are missing for her.

Royal Navy... Royal Navy... how would the dorm building of this faction look like? Hmm... something elegant, luxurious perhaps. Let's see...

She walks a bit around the area where the dorm buildings are located, trying to identify any who would fit the profile of being part of the Royal Navy. Eventually, she finds a dorm building having a big insignia in the front showing something looking like the head of a bear wearing a crown.

Hmm... i think this should be it. The crown makes it a bit obvious.

She makes her way inside, looking around. Almost instantly, Hessen notices big differences. The entrance area, the hallways, basically everything screams "royalty". For her, it was like as if entered some kind of castle, a palace perhaps.

The dorm also bustled with activity. Royal Maids especially, but that was not surprising. This is their center of operations, after all.
Shortly after entering, a maid immediately approached her. This was also not surprising for her, as Hessen looked horribly out of place in this dorm.

"Greetings. I am Sheffield, part of the Royal Maids. I see you found your way to our dorm, judging by your exaggerated facial expression."

"Sorry about that. It's just that you can instantly notice that the Royal Navy inhabits this building. It's like I'm in a castle."

"I see your eyes are also working properly. Yes, indeed. All factions are allowed to shape their own dorm buildings in any way they prefer. And Her Majesty decided to basically transport a piece of our home here. Just make sure not to make a mess."

"Alright. I sure hope I'm not disturbing anything while wandering around here. I'm trying to explore the base a bit more."

"I see. Her Majesty already tasked me with showing you around, having anticipated that you would stumble into our dorm eventually."

"Sorry if i ask this but... with "Her Majesty", do you mean the individual known as aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth?"
Hessen knows Queen Elizabeth from back home. One of two flagships of the British fleet and a proud aircraft carrier. She was one of the most mature kansen Hessen has ever met, with an almost motherly personality. Perhaps this world's version is like this too..?

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