Chapter 3 - Papers

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    Paintbrush exhaled and emerged from the door. They were nervous about their interview. It was their first one, after all. What if I mess up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if-

    They almost stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her. There she was. The girl from the front row, standing beside Camera and someone else.

"It's so nice to meet you Paintbrush! I'm Test Tube," the other person shook their hand. She had bright green hair and wore chunky round glasses. "As you know, I will be interviewing you for an article about your recent rise in fame." She turned towards the car and slightly rubbed her chin.

    "Lightbulb, would you mind sorting through some of my stuff?"

    So the girl's name was Lightbulb.

    Lightbulb smiled and held up finger guns, "You got it, Tubster!"

    "Test Tube."

    "Ah, tomato, tomato," Lightbulb stumbled over to the car parked a few feet away. Test Tube pinched the bridge of her nose, "She's always like this. Oh, Paintbrush, didn't you ask to meet her?" Paintbrush stiffened and felt their face grow hot.

    "Uhhh, yeah I did, I guess..." they fidgeted with their hands, "She looked really into the song and I thought it would be, uh, fun to see who she was," their voice faded to almost a whisper as they held their hands up in a faux-shrug. Test Tube giggled and walked over to the car.

     Lightbulb was rummaging through the trunk, pulling out random papers and other equipment. Test Tube thanked her and waved Camera over, presumably to talk about the interview.

    Lightbulb skipped over to Paintbrush and held out her hand, "The name's Lightbulb!"

    "Paintbrush, you already knew that though..." They shook her hand.

    "Got it, Painty it is!" Painty?

    "So! What do ya wanna do while they're doing..." Lightbulb's voice trailed off as she glanced back, "nerd stuff!" Paintbrush shrugged and looked back at Lightbulb. She was looking around and rocking back and forth on her heels.

    Their eyes flicked back to her hair, looking at the way it practically glowed. "Uh, Lightbulb," she shook her head quickly and looked at Paintbrush, "Is your hair... natural?" Lightbulb raised an eyebrow at their question until she realized what they were talking about.

    "Oh! This?" She twirled a strand with her finger, "Yeppers! I got it dyed with Test Tube and another one of our friends named Fan. He's still in the concert though." Paintbrush assumed the bright-haired boy whom Lightbulb fell into was Fan, considering how very unnatural his red hair looked. Who dyes their hair red with a single yellow highlights?

    Camera and Test Tube walked back to them. Test Tube was holding the clipboard Camera had carried earlier and was flipping through the papers clipped onto it.
    "So," Test Tube put the clipboard under her arm, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you'll answer. Simple as that!" Paintbrush sighed and nodded. After a moment of silence between the 4 of them, Camera piped up, "Oh, we can go inside if y'all would like!" She clapped her hands together.

    "Ah, that would be better than out here." Test Tube tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, but it was instantly pushed back to where it was before by the wind. She scowled as Lightbulb laughed at her.

    They walked into the building, found a room with some seats, and got situated. Test Tube sat in an armchair across from Paintbrush who was in one as well. Camera and Lightbulb sat on a couch between the both of them.

    Test tube leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. She looked down at the clipboard, "First question, 'What do you think is the driving factor for your motivation to create music?'"

    Paintbrush shrugged, "I dunno, I've always loved listening to music. My parents bought me an electric guitar a few years back and I just kinda went from there."
    Test Tube nodded and scribbled down their response as they said it.

    The interview went on for about 30 minutes or so. Paintbrush had gotten bored of the back and forth, but Lightbulb seemed way more uninterested. She fell asleep after the first 5 questions, making it evident she did so by sprawling out on the couch. Camera had stood up and went off to go do her own thing a few minutes later.

    "Alright, that was the last question. Congrats, you just completed your first interview."

    "Hooray," Paintbrush threw their arms up weakly and fell back onto the armchair. Test Tube chuckled and stood up. She looked through the papers one last time and started towards the door, "I'm gonna put these away in the car. We're going to be here until the concert ends, we have a friend still watching it. I guess we'll just hang out until it's over if you guys don't mind." Paintbrush nodded and waved.

    They looked at Lightbulb still sleeping on the couch. She had moved sometime since they last looked at her, she was in a half-fetal position with her hands tucked between the cushions and her face. Paintbrush smiled fondly and slightly blushed looking at her. She looked so peaceful. Her eyes were shut calmly and some of her curls fell across her face.

    They blinked and looked away embarrassingly when they realized they had been staring for way too long to look normal.

    "Done pinning yet?" Camera whispered from behind them. They jumped and looked back at her.

    "Wh-when did you get here?" They chuckled and rested their chin on their hand casually.

    "About a minute ago. Just came in to check on you. Test Tube said that she was going to check on someone in the concert and that she'd be back in about 5 minutes or so," Camera lifted her sleeve and checked her watch, "I'll be going now, I have to work on some stuff." She waved and went back through the door.
    Paintbrush sighed and turned to watch Lightbulb again. She mumbled something under her breath, then moved in her sleep. Her arms were hanging over the edge of the couch, and she looked dangerously close to falling.

    They contemplated in their head what they should do. Should they let her be and have her possibly fall, or should they move her so she didn't?

    They eventually chose the ladder, getting up and quietly moving towards the couch. They knelt but bumped the table on their way down. Curse their long legs. Lightbulb stirred and slipped off the couch. Paintbrush instantly moved their arms and caught her. They stood up and readjusted their hands. It took them a minute to realize what exactly they were doing.

    Paintbrush was bridal-carrying Lightbulb.

    They quickly sat her down back on the couch. They moved Lightbulbs' hair and sat in the open space by her head. She sighed and sunk deeper into the couch. They glanced back at her and bit their nails. Moments later, their thoughts were interrupted by Test Tube opening the door. Thank god for the timing.

A/N // I know it's early and all but ughghgas I need some awkward fluff okay. And also sorry that these first few chapters are pretty dialogue driven :P

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