Chapter 8 - Misfits

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Lightbulb tucked a strand of her messy hair behind her ear, keeping her binders close to her body with an arm. "Testy! Testy wait up!" Test Tube turned around at her nickname, "Huh? Oh, hey Lightbulb! Golly, I didn't even see you there," she chuckled. Fan was walking beside her, his glasses slightly askew from rushing. He pushed them up his nose bridge as Lightbulb caught up.

People walked past them, all going to their own classes. Test Tube, Fan, and Lightbulb had unfortunately only one class together. That class was P.E. None of them wanted to be in it, but like always, the counselors wanted blood. Another downside was that they weren't the most popular kids. They also weren't too liked either. Test Tube was a nerd, Fan was a geek, and Lightbulb is self-explanatory.

"What do you think we're doing today?" Test Tube wondered aloud as she and Lightbulb entered the girl's locker room. She shrugged, "Not sure. I think today's Free Monday on the blacktop." She jumped up on top of a bench and stood on her tippy-toes to unlock their locker.

As they finished changing, they both walked out of the locker room to their roll call area on the gym floor. The other P.E. class sat parallel to them. Lightbulb could identify a few kids she had in other classes. She saw Marshmallow, Bow, and Apple all sitting together in a circle and talking. Lightbulb liked them, but Bow didn't seem to tolerate her that well. The other two didn't mind her all that much, though.

As her eyes wandered the crowd of kids, she spotted Baseball, Nickel, Balloon, and Suitcase all laughing about something. Back when they were in middle school, those four were the talk of the grade. They always had something going on between them. In elementary, Balloon wasn't the best person to be around, to put it lightly. No one liked him that much in sixth grade, but he was given a new start with Suitcase who was filtered in from another school.

Suitcase was very nice. She cared about everyone, but she was caught in the whirlpool of drama. Ninth grade was a reality check for Nickel. He realized how much of an asshole he was, and tried to make amends. Baseball forgave him easily, but Balloon and Suitcase only started talking to him in Sophomore year.

    Glad they're happy now, Lightbulb thought, following Test Tube to where Fan sat on the floor. Fan smiled and waved to them, his uniform fitting loosely like always, "Hey guys!"

"Hey, Fan," Lightbulb and Test Tube said in unison. The cold gym floor made Lightbulb shiver as she sat down, "Brr, is it just me or is it cold in here?"

"It's always cold in here, besides it's fall," Fan responded, rubbing his hands together.

"It's because our planet's axis is tilted. Each orbit Earth makes, each hemisphere is tilted more towards the sun one at a time. That's why it's spring in Australia right now." Lightbulb turned to Test Tube with wide eyes as she explained her reasoning.

"Pause, hold, wait," Lightbulb interrupted, "it's spring in Australia right now?" Test tube nodded in response, fixing her round glasses on her face, "I wanna go to Australia! Wait... what if I book two flights each year on the winter and summer change days or whatever, so I never have to experience the hell-hole that is fall and winter again!"

Fan gasped in offense, "What! Absolutely not! Summer sucks! It's all hot and humid and there are bugs everywhere! Also language." Lightbulb rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, not caring for Fan's side of the argument. "Why don't you just move to Antarctica, Rudolph! Your allergies can't even handle a whiff of a flower without flaring up on you!"

"Guys, guys! Please stop arguing! Coach-"

"Hey, woah! What's going on here, dudes?" The PE coach rushed over to see what the fuss was about. Well, not rushed. More like skateboarded.

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