Chapter 6 - Together Alone

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Paintbrush propped their phone down on the counter so Lightbulb could see them. She smiled as they picked up their toothbrush and squirted a small amount of toothpaste onto it. "Why did you put so little?" Lightbulb wondered aloud.

"What do you mean?" They questioned, holding up the toothbrush, "This is how much I usually put." She squinted at their statement, resting her chin on both hands. She dramatically squinted her eyes, "The only teeth you're cleaning with that is a mouse's!"

Paintbrush laughed and picked up their toothpaste, "Okay, fine. I'll put more toothpaste." Lightbulb hummed in satisfaction and clicked off of the Facetime, Paintbrush appearing on the top left of the screen. She scrolled through all of her apps and she had to find something to do. Ugh, I'm so bored... oh, wait, I know!

Lightbulb clicked back onto Facetime. Paintbrush spat out a mouth full of toothpaste and grimaced, "I hate mint toothpaste," They washed off their toothbrush and noticed Lightbulb staring at them, "Uh, Lightbulb? You good?" She shook her head quickly, knocking herself out of her trance.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Umm, I'm gonna go check something real quick, B-R-B!" She hopped out of her bed and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. There, on the fridge, was a note.

It read, 'Hey LB, out, we'll be back before you come home. Make sure to pack a lunch for work! Luv - mom & dad'. She smiled and ran back upstairs.

Paintbrush had finished getting ready, their camera was cut off as they were picking out an outfit for the day. "Hey, Painty?" Lightbulb picked up her phone and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, what's up?" They yelled from their closet.

"Can you like, come over?"

"To your house?" They were silent for a moment, the sound of a hanger hitting the ground echoed through the call, "Yeah, I can. Just send me your address and I'll be over in a bit." Lightbulb smiled and kicked her feet.

"Okay-dokay!" She cheered merrily. She pressed the hang-up button and typed in her address. Paintbrush responded with a '👍'.

Lightbulb stood up and stretched. She glanced around her room and smirked. "Alright!" she spoke out loud, "Painty's coming over in, er... give or take 10 minutes! In that time you have to clean up your room and clean up yourself!" She grabbed her headphones and pressed play on her playlist. Now let's get started!

First, she started in her room. She split it into sections, the first one being her desk. She cleared off the desk and dusted off her guitar. Then she cleaned the area around her bed. Before long her room was (relatively) clean. She rushed to the bathroom across the hall and looked at her phone.

3 minutes left, better hurry... She quickly pulled out her hairbrush and messily brushed her hair. She did her eyeliner and patted a lot of blush across her face. Just as she finished, the doorbell rang. As she was running downstairs, she remembered. I have work today! Shoot, uhh, she pulled out her phone and messaged her boss that she was sick. Yeah, definitely sick.

Lightbulb rushed to the door and opened it, revealing Paintbrush. They were wearing a white tank top with a silver chain necklace hanging from their neck. Their jeans were navy blue and tattered at the knees. Lightbulb smiled and hugged them.

"Painty!" She felt them tense up in surprise, but they hugged back. She pulled away and looked at them. Lightbulb had never seen them too clearly before, only in darkness, so she was starting to notice things about them that she hadn't before.

Their cheeks and nose were dusted lightly with freckles, their ears were pierced rhinestones, and they had soft pink lips. She blushed at the sight but turned away. Even if she didn't, they wouldn't be able to tell with the whole pallet of blush caked on her face.

"Here, let's go up to my room!" She meant to grab them by their wrist, but her hand ended up falling into theirs. She acted like she didn't notice, leading them upstairs and to her room. Lightbulb opened the door and led them in.

"So, whatcha think of my crib?" She held her arms out and realized she was still holding Paintbrush's hand. She quickly pulled away and rushed to her bed. They followed behind her. She watched them as their eyes started to wander around her room, then landed on her guitar, "Can I look at that?" They motioned their hand towards it.

"Oh, that ol' thing? Yeah, have at it," they smiled and thanked her, getting up and grabbing its neck. They brought it back over to her bed and started messing with the strings.

"I've never really played a normal guitar before, only an electric one. I'm sure I can figure out how it works..." They stuck their tongue out in concentration as they turned the knobs. After a bit of trial and error, they strummed the guitar and laughed in satisfaction, "There!"

Lightbulb looked at them and smiled. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she moved close beside them. "Can you.. can you play?" Paintbrush looked up at her, almost jumping at Lightbulb appearing beside them, "What'd you say?"

Lightbulb widened her eyes and looked away, "Huh? I didn't- I didn't say anything." Paintbrush chuckled softly, "Do you want me to play for you?" Lightbulb gave a warm smile and nodded. They looked back down to the guitar lying in their lap, "I'll try, but no promises it will sound good."

The room filled with notes either far apart from each other or in quick succession. Paintbrush let their fingers glide across the strings, strumming softly in contrast to how they'd normally play. They concentrated, trying to figure out how to play the correct cords. Lightbulb sat beside them and watched in complete silence. Although, she wasn't looking at the guitar.

She was looking at Paintbrush.

The way their hair swooped back, how their hazel eyes shined in the sunlight. She couldn't take her eyes off them. She also couldn't believe how close they already were. She was always great at quickly making friends, but this one was different. Just a few weeks before, she had idolized Paintbrush while they didn't even know she existed. Now, she was gazing at them as they played a song for her.

As the final notes faded out, she kept staring at them. They raised their head and stared right back, their eyes widening a bit, "Uh, you good?" They asked.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah sorry, just been a little out of it lately," Lightbulb fell back onto her bed and shut her eyes. Paintbrush chuckled. They set the guitar down and laid back beside her. They both sat in comfortable silence for a very long time. Neither of them dared to say anything.

The sound of the front door unlocking broke the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded them.


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