Chapter 25 - Memories

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    "I'm here!" Paintbrush announced, stepping through Lightbulb's front door. Everyone in the living room turned towards them.

    "Painty!" Lightbulb cheered, jumping off the couch and running to them. They held their arms out and caught her, bringing her into a big hug. She giggled, "You made it! I was so worried that you wouldn't be able to!"

    Fan giggled from his spot on the carpet, "What do you mean? Of course, they'd come for their girlfriend~"

    Paintbrush grumbled and let Lightbulb go, walking over to the living room, "One, not dating her, and two, I don't want to hear that coming from Mr. We're Not Dating! Even though you two have a kid together."

    Test Tube rolled her eyes and brought Bot closer to her on the couch, "Okay, so what, maybe we are dating. But at least we're not in denial about it."

    "Denial?" Lightbulb interrupted, jumping over the couch, "There's nothing to be in denial about!"

    "Oh really?" Mrs. Bright questioned from the kitchen while taking a bag of fresh popcorn out of the microwave. "Come on, even your mom knows!" Fan argued, throwing his arms out in frustration.

    "Wait- Test Tube! I thought you promised not to tell anyone!" He protested, whipping around to face her after he realized what she said about their relationship. She shrugged, wrapping her arms around Bot, "Well, it becomes really obvious eventually..." she emphasized, staring at Lightbulb and Paintbrush.

    They turned to each other with a confused look, then looked back at her. "What?" They asked in unison.

    Test Tube rolled her eyes with an annoyed sigh, "You'll see what I'm talking about soon."

    "Well, I'm not gonna date anyone, ever!" Lightbulb declared, pulling a blanket over her legs, "My lifestyle is too intense for anyone to keep up with."

    "That's what I said, and now you're here," LED responded, bringing the bowl of fresh popcorn to the coffee table. At the sight of it, Lightbulb jumped forward and took it before anyone could eat a piece. She grabbed a handful of popped kernels and shoved them in her mouth.

    A chuckle came from Paintbrush as they watched her stuff her mouth full. She always did that. It didn't matter what food, or if it was even edible, she'd eat it in a heartbeat. It was adorable. They watched her, comparing her face to one of a chipmunk. As they thought of the analogy, Lightbulb glanced over to them and swallowed.

    "What?" She questioned, taking another bunch of popcorn.

    "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how you look like a rabid animal right now."

    "Awww," she cooed, covering her mouth with her hand, "You're thinking of me?"

    They rolled their eyes at her incompetence and grabbed a piece from the bowl situated in her lap. They half thought she would try to bite their hand. "First of all, that is not the thing to focus on from that sentence, and second of all, how could I not think of you when you're sitting right next to me and devouring a bowl of popcorn like a possum."

    She said something, but it was too muffled to hear. As she was ranting intelligible nonsense, Test Tube reached over Paintbrush to get a piece for herself. Lightbulb noticed, and smacked Test Tube's hand away from the bowl. "Ah! No!" She protested, finally swallowing, "Mine!"

    Test Tube scoffed, "Hey! Paintbrush took a piece a second ago and you watched them do so! Why can't I have some?"

    "Because I said so!" Lightbulb huffed as she crossed her arms smugly. "God, you sound like my mom," Paintbrush muttered, grabbing some more out of the blue bowl. Lightbulb cleared her throat and offered the bowl to Test Tube right as they finished their sentence. She grumbled, "Never mind."

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