Chapter 32 - Now What?

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    Lightbulb's eyes slowly opened as she woke up from her deep sleep. She wasn't sure what was around her, but she felt enveloped in a warmth she couldn't explain. That warmth, luckily, explained itself for her. "Good morning, Lightbulb," Paintbrush greeted, not moving an inch. As Lightbulb slowly started to gain actual consciousness, she could recognize the position she was in.

Her face was buried in Paintbrush's neck with her arms and legs scrunched up in a fetal position. They had their arms wrapped tightly around her with their legs below her, holding her up. She rubbed her eyes and looked up to her best fr- wait, partner. Well, she wasn't too sure yet.

"Good morning, Painty," she murmured. They chuckled gently and left a soft kiss on her forehead. Her face heated up at the contact, but she didn't mind. "How did you sleep?" She asked with a weak smile.

"Really good, how about you?" They responded sweetly. She giggled and snuggled closer to them, "I've never slept better."

"I'm glad you did." Paintbrush ran their fingers through her hair, making her body relax. Her soft smile never faltered as she stretched her limbs out, "Mhm."

Lightbulb sighed, "So what did you wanna do?"

"I don't care, honestly," they responded with a smile. "I might go downstairs and grab some breakfast for us and talk to LED for a bit. What would you want?"

"Hmmm..." she hummed, trying to think of what she would want to eat. Before she could respond, the door opened with her mother standing excitedly behind it. Woah, deja vu.

"Good morning!" She singsonged as she entered. Her eyes fell on the two of them cuddling as her smug smile grew on her face once more. "So I'm guessing it went well?"

"What went well?" Lightbulb wondered aloud, glancing over to Paintbrush. They smiled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck, "I- uh, may've asked your mom how to ask you out."

Her face softened as she hugged them again, "Awwww, you and my mom are friends! That's so cool!" She heard a giggle from her mom as Paintbrush tried to pry her off of them. They gave up with a roll of their eyes.

"So," her mom started, hopping on the edge of their bed, "what are y'all doing today? Just loaferin'* around or were y'all gonna go out and do something?"

"I guess just hang out- wait, what day is it?" Lightbulb wondered with a start, sitting up straight and whipping over to face her clock. "It's Wednesday?" LED answered.

"It's 11 o'clock! I have to go to school!" She threw the covers off herself and raced across the hall to her bathroom, almost falling as she came to a stop in front of her mirror. "LIghtbulb!" Paintbrush called to her from her room. She didn't hear as she grabbed her hairbrush from her drawer and started brushing through her hair; giving up halfway through. Brushed hair is for nerds. And Paintbrush, I guess.

She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and began to brush her teeth as fast as she could. "Lightbulb, what in the world are you doing?" Mrs. Bright wondered with a humorous tone, walking into the bathroom. She spat out her toothpaste and washed off her brush, "I'm getting ready! You're gonna have to check me in late so I don't want to keep you waiting!"

LED paused as she stared at her. "Wh- you silly! You're not going to school today! I called you in sick because you were with Paintbrush!" She exclaimed as she crossed her arms. Lightbulb stopped what she was doing, "Oh."

Paintbrush leaned against the doorsill and raised an eyebrow. "What, did you really think you were going today? I mean, from what I know, like, half your school is skipping today."

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