Chapter 34 - Differences

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    "Omga, guys; this is gonna be, like, our first official band meet," Lightbulb chirped, hopping into the backseat of Test Tubes car. Paintbrush nodded and watched her buckle up beside them. "Yeah, it will be. We still don't have a name, though."

"Hm," Fan started, glancing down at his phone, "Why don't we just be the Bright Lights? That's the gc name, and I'm guessing no one else has any other ideas." He looked around the car for a second to catch any objections but shrugged when there weren't any.

"I like it!" Lightbulb exclaimed. She gazed out the window, watching her neighborhood go by, "So, what is our first song gonna be? We're gonna have to impress Camera to let her know that we're the best so we can be an actual band!"

"I'm sure she'd be impressed regardless, I mean the fact that I have friends and a girlfriend impresses her." Paintbrush pulled out their phone and opened the messages between them and her, re-reading their last conversation. "You have a girlfriend? Wow! I'm proud of you, Paintbrush," they quoted with a wide smile.

Lightbulb giggled and grabbed their phone, "Let me see!" They scoffed and tried to take it back, but she held it out of their reach as she read through their messages. "Hey! Give it back!"

She gasped dramatically, "Why do you want it back so bad, huh, Painty? You got something to hide from me?"

"Wh- No! But it's mine, so give it back!" They unbuckled their seatbelt to snatch their phone back right out of her hands. They quickly shoved it in their pocket so she wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

"Paintbrush, are you being responsible, honorable, and respectful?" Fan teased, turning around to look at the two struggling in the backseat. "Lightbulb isn't being respectful! She's looking through my shit!"

"Well, how can I know you're not cheating on me if I don't look through said shit!" She argued back, reaching for their pocket. She suddenly reached for their side and started ticking them to try and distract them. They pressed themself against the car door, trying to smack her hands away. "Stop! God, you're so annoying!" They pleaded through giggles.

Test Tube readjusted the rearview mirror to look at the two behind her, "Guys, stop. This isn't responsible behavior. You're acting like children and I'll have to call your parents." Her lips quivered as if holding back a laugh.

"Jeez, Test Tube, you're not my mom!" Lightbulb scoffed, crossing her arms. Paintbrush took the opportunity to reach over and wrap their arms around her from behind, holding her against them tightly. She yelped and started trying to escape their grip, although she quickly gave up after realizing they had her arms pinned to her sides. "Guys, I'm being abused. You're witnessing domestic abuse right now."

"No you're not," Paintbrush deadpanned, reaching a hand up and smacking it over her mouth, "You guys didn't see anything. She's lying."

"Nuh-uh!" Lightbulb's muffled voice yelled as she writhed to get out of their grip. Fan turned around back in his seat to look at the road ahead, "So, Test Tube, Airline food! What's the deal with that?"

"Man, real expensive these days," she continued, paying no mind to Lightbulb yelling intelligible nonsense. Paintbrush smirked and rested their chin on the crown of her head as they lifted their hand off her lips, "You done yet?"

Lightbulb took a breath like she had just been suffocated, "I am being abused!" She proclaimed, but her statement was muffled halfway through as they covered her mouth again, "Yeah, okay."

Paintbrush still had Lightbulb in their hold as Test Tube pulled into their driveway, scared she was going to start ticking them again. They hated being tickled, and Lightbulb found that out way too quickly.

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