Chapter 13 - Diverse Dishes

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Paintbrush pulled out their phone and checked the time. 3:30, do we really have to be there this early?

They turned to Lightbulb who was walking mindlessly beside them, "Lightbulb, what exactly were we going to be doing at your house again?"

"Hm?" She turned to them, taking a second to process what they asked her, "Oh! We're gonna go eat at my house! My parents said they wanted to have dinner with you one day!" A small smile appeared on their face. They liked her parents. They were like Lightbulb but more mature, in a way.

They walked in unison to Lightbulbs neighborhood, talking about random things along the way. A few times, that same silence stretched between them. Paintbrush was used to it at that point. They listened quietly to the tapping of their shoes on the concrete, the cars speeding past, and the comforting rustling of branches. They'd overhear conversations of other people that would pass by.

An elderly couple passed them, the woman saying, "Oh, what a nice day, isn't it?" And the husband nodded in response. It wasn't an ignorant nod, but more of an understanding one. The pair seemed very polite. They liked noticing things like that.

A few of Lightbulb's friends from her school were walking as well. She ran up to one of them and hugged her tightly, almost tackling her because of their height difference. They later learned the girl's name was Marshmallow, and the other one was Apple. After an exchange of numbers between Marshmallow and Paintbrush, they went their separate ways.

"Hey, uh, Lightbulb?" She tilted her head up to look at them with an intrigued expression.

"What's up?"

"Do you ever..." They trailed off, looking at a group of friends waiting for a red light to cross the street. They were all joking and laughing together. "Do you ever look around at the people around you and realize that you aren't necessarily the 'main character'? I guess in a way we're all the main characters in our own stories, but it's just crazy to think that every person that you pass has their own life, their own family, their own beliefs, their own everything!"

They sighed, done with their spiel. Lightbulb stared at them with a blank expression, "I'm gonna be honest I didn't get any of that." They snickered and tried to think of a better way to explain it to her.

"Okay, so you see that person over there?" They whispered, nodding their head towards a boy on the park bench a few feet ahead of them. "Yeah?"

"He has parents, possibly siblings, grandparents, friends, you name it. He has his own social media accounts, his own persona, set of skills..." Paintbrush went on and on before stopping and looking down at Lightbulb. She stared ahead, completely mind blown, "Woah... that's actually crazy to think about..."

"Exactly," they agreed.

The sound of a doorbell ringing echoed through the halls of Lightbulbs house. "I'll get it!" A kind voice yelled, presumably Lightbulb's mother. She ran to the door and opened it, revealing Paintbrush and her daughter waiting.

"Hey Mrs. Bright," they waved their hand calmly. Mrs. Bright squealed in joy and brought both them and Lightbulb into a hug. "Ohhh, hello! How've you been today? I know Lightbulb came home a bit early so I thought It might've had something to do with you! Oh, you're just in time, too! I was about to start cooking dinner! Why don't you stay over and have some with us!"

Paintbrush gasped for air as Mrs. Bright put them down. She was quite the hugger. "Uhm, yeah I can stay over," they rubbed the back of their neck anxiously, "may I ask what you're gonna cook?"

Lightbulb's mother hopped in joy as she invited them in by stepping aside and motioning with her hand, "Oh, it's a family recipe, it's also LB's favorite! Isn't that right?" She pinched Lightbulb's cheek. Lightbulb swatted playfully at Mrs. Bright's hand, "Mom! Stop!" she protested with giggles.

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