Distrustful Falcon! Blue-Eyes Vs RaidRaptor

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"Akio!" The Yusho ganged yelled out to me and came rushing over to me as I was getting up slowly.

Solid vision vanishing and Declan approached me. "I'm impressed Kaiba Akio. The fact that you were able to beat me with my pendulum summoning, is very impressive. Congratulations Kaiba Akio, you have my respect as your one of the few duelist who can beat me."

"Thanks Declan Akaba. You truly live up to your reputation and status." I replied with a smile.

"Per the agreement LDS will leave Yu show alone and shingo sawatari case will be dropped, while also helping Yu-Show school funding. For you akio you have free entrance to enter Miami championship tournament." Declan said.

"*Thats good. Because I only have two wins right now and I don't think Yuto will count to enter the tournament.*"

"Thank you very much!" Shuzo exclaimed in joy while Declan smirked.

"Now it's time for us to leave. Goodbye Kaiba Akio.Hope to meet you in the tournament."

"You won't be disappointed." I replied and with that Declan left the school with Himika and the lds trio following behind.

"Akio thank you for saving the school. That was the most hot blooded duel I have ever seen!" Shuzo said. And then everyone began congratulating and thanking me for saving the school.

"Hey akio what was that card again that can negate pendulums?" Yuya asked.

"Yeah I never knew there was card capable to do that." Tatsuya said. Turning my gaze to Yuya as he was still down about the facts there someone else who could pendulum summon, oh well not my problem.

"Sure." I said and pull out the card from my deck and showed it in its holographic form.

Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon:Light/ATK:2500/DEF:3000/Dragon/Synchro/Effect/Monster/LvL 9

Effect 1: Neither players can special summon monsters.

Effect 2: When a card effect is activated in the graveyard you can negate the activation.

Effect 3: You can tribute this card special summon one light dragon synchro monster from your extra deck but it's destroyed during the end phase.

"Oh I see how it can be a negate for pendulum summoning." Sora said. *If he had this card all along then that means during their first duel he could've prevented Yuya from summoning it.*" he thought.

"Thank you Akio!" The three kids jumped to me while saying it to hug me.

"Your welcome." I said and patted their heads and looked at the time. Then after Yusho duled Yuya because  he was down about the fact there someone who can negate and have pendulum summoning I looked at the clock  and it was time for us to leave. "Well guys seems like Yuya out of his funk but now it's time for us to head home." I said and we all nodded and part ways.

Yuya house

After getting home and parking my d-wheel in the parking garage. We told yoko what happened and she already knew what happened thanks to the call from Shuzo.

Dream World

"Back in the mausoleum of white."

"That's right." Kisara said.

"What's the deal? We haven't seen any time duelist in a while."

"I belive the main one is getting stronger to duel you, as he sense your strength is growing. That's why I'm going to give you these new cards to combat them."

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