Revelation Of The Four Dimensions!

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Leo Apartment Building Room 90

Instead of going back to Yuya place like usual because after the events I decided to stay in the apartment that was given to me by Declan, since for a reward after my duel was successful against Sora.

If I'm going to be honest, it kinda put me down to expose Sora like that because already I consider him to be a friend. But then it quickly washed away when I realized how crazy he was during  the early days during the series. Plus he insulted Blue-Eyes which made it clearer.

"Everything would've been much easier if they knew...."I said out loud remembering talking to the Yu-Show crew after my duel.


"Wait! Akio!" Yuzu yelled as she, Yuya and Gong ran towards me.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Why did you act like that towards Sora? And why did you hurt him like that?" Yuzu asked me.

"You all heard and saw everything in my duel. You especially already know the answer Yuzu I said to them before leaving, as  Yuzu didn't ask anymore questions because she knew but gong spoke up.

"Because he and his friends invaded Kurosaki hometown?" Gong asked.

"Yes." Replying to his answer. "I'll tell you more in the second round but ask Yuzu since she might have some clue." I began walking away leaving my friends shocked and concerned.

"Akio..." yuzu muttered her teacher name in worry's

Flashback end

"*I think you should talk about  the four dimensions first." Felegrand said. "*Then you can get into the dimension war."

"That what I was planning to do." I agreed with
Felegrand. "Speaking of that I think I have to reveal my origin."

"Yeah. Since he been spying on you you after hacking into LDS and defeating sawatari. He's going to ask about your true origin." Felegrand said.

"Thats going to be a bit of a problem. I've only got like a fragment of this body memories, so am I supposed to say that I  come from another Standard dimension from another universe, blah,blah,blah." I spoke to Felegrand.

"Why not yours?" Felegrand said.

"Hey I died and reincarnated into this world where I come from is just a cartoon and that's no good."

Felegrand understood and went back to the spirit world. Thats when I took a bath and got ready to go to Declan office to talk.

Maiami City Hospital

"Yoko-San and I are going to take the kids home." Shuzo said. "Take care of Sora."

after that Shuzo including Yoko and the kids left the hospital.

"Akio, said that you know more? So what did he mean about that? Like why is Kurosaki now with LDS even though he was the attacker?@ Yuya asked.

"Well from what Yuto said he and Kurosaki are trying to find their comrade who have been kidnapped by Sora friends?" Yuzu explained.

"Yuto? The same guy who looks like me. The same who disappears when your bracelet shined."

"Disappeared?" Gong asked in confusion.

"For some reason, every time when Yuto would vanish and whenever my bracelet shine...." Yuzu said looking at her bracelet. "It would be when Yuya is so close and that's when it shine brightly and Yuto gone after that."

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